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𝔻𝔸𝕐𝕊 ℍ𝔸𝔻 ℙ𝔸𝕊𝕊𝔼𝔻 since Kyan's new roommate came, and she was still a little out of it. The nurses must have given her a large dose of the medicine because she wouldn't even eat or anything. She would just stare through the window with her vacant eyes, trying to find answers that weren't there. 

He didn't even know her name. How pathetic was that? He didn't know much at all, but he felt like she should know her name. That was the least he could do for her. He wanted her first week to be better than his. Kyan wasn't sure what happened during his first week, but he knew it was bad. Maybe he could help her adjust to this new life of being numb and broken.

It was deep in the night when Kyan woke up with a startle. A clank kept repeating and repeating, getting louder and louder with each passing minute. It echoed through the empty floor of the mental institution, flowing through the thin walls. Kyan couldn't place what the noise was, but it didn't sound good. 

Suddenly, the alarms went off. There were loud and ear-shattering. Kyan covered his ears with his hands to try to block the noise, but it wasn't working. The noise forced its way through the flesh and bone of his hands and into his ear canals. It easily overpowered the clanking noise with its shrill screeches. 

However, the girl in the chair didn't even move a muscle. She continued to stare through the window. He wasn't sure if she was awake - or alive - because she hadn't moved in days. When he squinted toward her, he could see her chest rising and falling shallowly. That meant that she was alive, which was good.

His attention was drawn back to the commotion outside of his room. Something heavy crashed against his door because a small dent around the size of a head protruded toward him in the center of the gray metal. 

Kyan stood up and touched the dent. It was cool against his fingers. His palm could fit around the dent easily, so he guessed it was one of the younger ones whose head got slammed into the door. 

Suddenly, the door swung open, slamming into Kyan's shoulder. He was thrown back onto his bed by the force of the person opening the door, and he groaned as pain erupted from his shoulder and down his right arm. 

"Do not move!" one of the guards yelled at him. His hand held a broadsword out toward Kyan like he was going to impale him. "I won't hesitate to hurt you if you make one movement."

Kyan stayed completely still. Someone must have tried to escape. This never usually happened because they all found out what happened to people who tried to escape early on. Once they caught the person who was trying to escape, the guards would hold them in a solitary cell - much like the ones they lived in - without a single ounce of light or human exposure. That way, the person trying to escape would learn their lesson. And if they didn't learn their lesson, they would vanish in the night.

That was why Kyan never tried to escape. He did not want to be tortured like that just because he wanted to escape from some unrealistic dream. It was obvious that his parents didn't want him, so why would he even try to escape? He had nowhere else to go; he didn't have anyone else that loved him. He was much safer here if he just followed the rules and did nothing that would put himself in danger.

A hand latched onto the door frame to his room. After the hand appeared, so did a head. The boy's eyes were wild as he looked out the window. His dark hair was ratty and mangy. "Help me!" he shouted to Kyan just as other hands grabbed onto his thin body. He didn't seem to have noticed the guard in Kyan's room.

Kyan didn't budge. His heart ached to help the boy, but he knew that he would get into serious trouble for helping. Instead, he remained on the bed and watched as the other guards dragged the boy away. His screams echoed through the hallways until they were suddenly cut short. It grew eerily silent in the mental institution.

The guard in Kyan's room glanced at him before exiting. With a loud clang, the door slammed shut. The sound of the lock turning allowed Kyan to relax slightly. He didn't have to be tense anymore. His hand felt along his shoulder to make sure nothing was broken. It didn't feel broken at all, so it would probably just be bruised and very painful for a couple of days. 

He made sure not to lay down on his right shoulder as he shifted his body in his bed. His blanket had fallen to the floor, so he leaned over and picked it up. He carefully wrapped it around his lanky body, covering up most of his skin. However, his feet stuck out because the blanket wasn't long enough anymore. His mother was right: he did shoot up like a weed. His growth spurt hit that first summer he was here. He towered over most of the nurses now. 

The girl in the chair didn't seem phased by what just happened. It looked like she didn't even hear anything that happened. She just continued to stay still and stare out of the window. 

Kyan wasn't surprised that she was just a shell right now. The medicine they first gave them knocks a person out for days. It renders a person useless because it inhibits thoughts from processing. That's what he told himself, at least. He didn't know anything other than knowing that he wasn't wanted.

He lay on his left side and stared at the girl. Her dark hair looked like it was all kinds of lengths like she had tried to cut it. It didn't work because it didn't match up at all. Other than her hair, she was a really beautiful person. She looked well-taken care of like she had stayed somewhere fancy or something. Her skin glowed under the faint moonlight.

He couldn't sleep because fear slowly pervaded his body. Nothing about this place was right; he shouldn't have been there at all. He wasn't crazy. Well, he wasn't when he first came here. Now, he wasn't sure if he was crazy or not. 

Kyan pulled his thin blanket off of his body. The frigid air hit the bare skin on his legs and arms, making him shiver. He couldn't stop moving now, though. The girl's limbs were trying their hardest to break free from the restraints that held them against her body. The medicine must have been wearing off finally because her mouth opened in a silent scream. This time, the fire didn't spew out of her mouth, which Kyan was thankful for.

He touched her shoulder gently. Her head whipped toward him with a growl escaping from her lips. It looked like she couldn't properly form words yet, so he whispered, "It's going to be okay."

The muscles under her shoulder tensed up as she tried to break away from the restraints. The fire sputtered out from her fingertips, but he reached out to snuff it before she could burn herself. His fingers wrapped around her clammy ones. Her eyes flashed toward him, and it looked like little lightning bolts raced through them. And just like that, her eyes cleared up for the first time since she had been here.

"Nothing is ever going to be okay," she hissed. "Not if I'm here while they're out there."

Kyan's brain couldn't understand what she meant, but he didn't have a chance to ask her about it because her eyes fogged up again. She took a shuddering breath, the air rattling in her chest before her head lolled to the side again. Her dark hair spilled over her shoulder as her clouded eyes stared out of the barred window. 

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