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𝕂𝕐𝔸ℕ'𝕊 𝔻𝔸𝕐𝕊 ℍ𝔸𝔻 started blurring together years ago in this place. There was no way he could keep track of each day because they all seemed to be one single entity. He would wake up, take his medication, eat breakfast, sit in the new chair facing the only window in his room, eat dinner, and sleep. Day after day, that was his routine. There was nothing else to do, no one else to see.

Nothing ever really changed besides his nurses. He never had the same nurses twice. He didn't even get to know their names. Only their faces and the sounds of their voices. Some were women; others were men. His favorite ones would give him a little extra food to help his medicine go down. 

The tree outside of his window swayed gently in the breeze. The soft sun had started falling under the earth a few minutes ago, so it was nearly time for dinner. If he even got dinner tonight. This place was packed full of people who were mentally unstable or who had disappeared in thin air. Kyan guessed that he was the latter, but he wasn't sure. He wasn't sure about anything anymore. His medication made his mind fuzzy and empty. He was almost always in a sleep-like state, one where he was awake but his body and mind felt like it was sleeping.

When he first came to this place, Kyan fought and struggled to keep his mind his own. He would barely take his medicine. The owner caught on quickly and would beat him just so he would take his medicine. The beatings progressively got worse until he could barely remember days because of how hard that man would hit him, so Kyan had to give up on his fight and take the medicine.

After taking the medicine for the first time, he fell into a small coma. It was a shock to his system, whatever was in that medication. He had no idea what was in this medicine, but it wasn't anything good. It dulled his senses and made him almost always distracted. Darkness crept into the sides of his vision, and it had decided to stay since then. It had been five years since he first came to this place, and he slowly forgot about who he was.

It was just him and his chair and that lonely tree outside of his window. That was the only thing he could ever focus on. The branches would sway in the early morning breezes. Or they would quake and shiver during the frequent storms that plagued the area. Yellow lightning would flash across the open sky, but it would never strike his tree. It was like there was a barrier around his tree that would keep it safe, keep it healthy. 

There wasn't a barrier around Kyan that would keep him safe, though.

Kyan tore his gaze away from the window just as the door opened. His mind was still stuck on the tree, but the food that sat on the platter in the nurse's hand slowly made him forget about it. He only got fed twice a day, and even though the food was less than delicious, he would eat every crumb. 

The nurse that held his tray of food looked relatively nice. Her gray hair was up in a tight bun; most of the nurses with long hair would wear it up because they didn't want the patients to grab hold and pull hard. She had crinkles next to her pale blue eyes like she smiled a lot. Kyan hadn't seen a smile in such a long time that he wanted her to grace him with a smile. She didn't.

"You have ten minutes to eat before I come back for the tray," she said. Her voice sounded like honey, sweet, and sugary. What was a woman like that working at a place like this? 

"Thank you," Kyan said to her. 

After the nurse handed him the tray, she slammed the door in his face. Kyan shuffled over to his chair and sat down carefully. He didn't want to spill whatever was in the bowl. It was a weird brown color. He stabbed the metal fork into the soupy liquid and felt something that had to be some sort of meat. 

If the medicine didn't poison him, the food would. When Kyan first came here, he wouldn't eat the food at all because he was terrified of what was in it. He even asked the nurses about what was in the food, but they wouldn't tell him. He couldn't eat food any longer than he had to, so he just sucked it up and ate it. Fortunately for him, it wasn't as bad as he thought it would be, but he still had no idea what they used to make the food.

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