Chapter 11

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Y/n's POV

I was sipping my coffee to start off my day while scrolling through my phone peacefully.. Ava opened my door which made me spat and choked on my coffee,

'AVA! WHAT.. THE..-'

I stopped myself and noticed she was holding her big pointy pencil,

'what're you gonna do with that.. pencil?'

'N/n, we have a giant otherworldly portal to another room in our apartment and we haven't explored it yet!'

'whaaaat are you planning..'

Ava looked at me and pointed at me,

'we're going in to the room or place the demo- Daemos made'

I turned off my phone and put my coffee on my side table,

'fine, but I swear, if we get in trouble cause of it.. I'm not saving you'

'psshh, like you won't'

I followed Ava behind and went through the wall, I looked around and paid more attention to the details the place have,

'when I see those idiots, I'm gonna stab them with my stabby pencil and DEMAND answers! Ava isn't playin around this time..! why is Ava speaking in third person?'

'and so, Ava questions her action and her speech, will she ever stop doing it? or will she just act like a f__king child for her entire life? no one knows~  but seriously though, when will you ever stop acting like a kid'

'hey! at least I know what a.. a phone is! those guys keep calling it a "magic slab" '

'I mean, can you blame them?'


We continued walking and stumbled upon a.. hot tub? since when do Daemos care for relaxation? do they even use it or do they just leave it for display?

Ava gasped and dropped her pencil, I looked at it in awe. Not gonna lie, it's AMAZIN' LOOKIN',

'this.. is the most.. beautiful hot tub.. I've ever seen!!'

Ava paused for a moment,


'overreacting much, lil' potato?'

Ava near the hot tub,

'heheh, screw finding those guys, I'm sure they won't mind us using their hot tub, after all they stayed at our house!'

'wait, 'us'? and also, we live in an APARTMENT, not a house..'

'same thing'

'no it isn't'

I replied to her, she started to take off her hoodie, socks, and shorts (i want my life to be harder so shush), she stepped in the hot tub and sat down,

'N/n! come on, the water's warm~!'

'I'm not falling for it Ava..'

'what? ok look, I'm not gonna splash you, promise!'

'you always say that'

'fiiiinnnee, suit yourself being a dry pup that doesn't know what relax is'

'I'm literally older than you.. and also, I DO know what relax is, I was doing it until you came barging into my room..! I'm just going to sit down here'

I put my legs in the water and sat on the edge of the hot tub behind Ava..


I heard footsteps coming inside of the "hot tub room", I opened my eyes and saw, of course, the guys,

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