Chapter 4

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The drawing/art (cover) isnt mine, it belongs to the rightful owner, anyways enjoy!



Y/n's POV

It was a pretty peaceful morning. So far there's no crashing, screaming, or even the smell of things burning.. But I had to wake up to make breakfast. I went outside of my bedroom and saw the Daemos inside of Ava's room. I decided to wait for them to finish quietly arguing..

When they went out of her bedroom I was ready to tackle them.. My arms were crossed with a serious look. They all looked nervous,

'So, what did I just said last night again..?'

They all were quiet. Noi was the first one to speak up,

'D-Don't go b-barging into y-your rooms..?'


I asked, glaring at them,

'Is y/p going to kill us?'

Noi whispered to the rest. Leif pulled his sickles out,

'If y/p's going to kill us, then I'll kill y/p first!'

'I'm not going to kill you guys yet, but if you keep doing it, then you're dead meat to me.. I'll go cook now.'

I went to the kitchen and grabbed the ingredients to make scrambled eggs. Hopefully they know what it is.. I put on my headphones/earphones before I start to cook..

-After Cooking-

I was about to put ketchup on the table but I heard an 'Ava Scream'. I rushed to her bedroom and saw Leif with her,


Asch yelled, I just groaned in annoyance and told Ava food was ready..

-After Eating and Morning Routine-

Asch gathered all of us to talk about something,


Ava asked, looked at him. Bet she's about to laugh,

'Yes Prince Asch would-'

Rhys gets cut off by Ava laughing,

Leif asked if she was mocking them.

'No it's cause you said-'

I get cut off by Ava,

'You said 'ass'!'

She continued laughing. I sighed,

'Ava that's not even funny..'

Rhys asked Asch to explain it to her instead,

'Teach us your human ways, now..'

'If we do that, will you guys leave?'

She asked them. Asch told us,

'Faster than you can imagine.'



Said Asch,

'Really, really?'


(cinnamon roll is too precious x∆x)




Asch and I shouted to stop them from continuing.. It would probably take a whole day for them to stop.

'Killjoys.. Look, when I woke up, I was kinda hoping you guys would've robbed us and left by now. I wasn't expecting you guys to stay.'

Leif asked why she hoped for that. Ava tried to explain but gave up. I asked the guys,

'Y'all really about this human thing huh..?'

Asch ignored my question and told us to assimilate them. He is just pain. Ava explained to them about "human clothes". Since what they're wearing is like a cosplay, she went to her room to get her piggy bank, or Ava and I call it, 'Swear Jar'.

'This here is-'

Before Ava can explain to them what she's holding, Asch grabbed the piggy bank and told Pierce to break it. He smashed the poor [wut u would name the piggy bank],


I celebrated. Ava just looked at it in sadness. Rhys sighed,

'Forgive us..'

Ava went back to her "sorceress voice",

'It's alright, it's a small sacrifice to make for you guys leave as soon as possible.'

I noticed we earned kinda lot of money,

'Ooooh! we got 150 bucks!'

She started to talk to herself. The others were confused to who she's talking to. They guessed if she was talking to spirtits, or whatever.

'Hey N/n! You stay here to guard the apartment, does that sound good?'

'Of course!~ I always guard the apartment!~'

I answered while doing a salute. Whenever Ava needs to get something downstairs, I usually have the apartment to myself, except Johnny. I was left with Leif and Rhys. Asch said something to both of them, but I didn't paid attention to it. I sat on the couch and fell asleep..


i am in Spain without the s rn- im getting lazy to edit this

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