Chapter 3

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Previously on Chapter 2

I gasp awake. That nightmare keeps on haunting me. No... not nightmare. That's a memory. I clench my hands into a tight fist.

I'll make you pay for what you've done, Jackson

-I Shouldn't Be Feeling This Way-


It's been a week since Percy saw my true self. I'm kind of surprise that he didn't go around telling people about it. Maybe... he's not that bad of a guy. No! I should NOT think that way. He's a murderer! He killed my mother.

It's another training session. Annabeth is the one training me in sword fighting. I give my full focus on each attack. This is kind of a good activity actually. It helps me get my mind of off everything.

After we end our session. I place my free hand on my knee as I pant softly. "Not bad... you're getting really good at this..." she said, smiling at me. I just smile at her. 

"Well... I did have the best coach" I said. Despite knowing that she's friends with Percy. I actually don't mind her company. She's pretty cool and friendly... also... she's not the one killing my mother. It was only Percy!

I hear footsteps walking closer. I turn my head to the sound and roll my eyes. He keeps walking until he's standing in front of me.

"Hey..." he said. I stand straight and glare at him. "Didn't I told you to stay away from me! What part of "I DON'T want you near me" do you not get, huh? Are you that stupid??" I scream at him. He steps back, looking at me wide-eyed. I can see a hint of pain reflecting in his eyes. But I couldn't care less.

"Y/N... I was just-" I cut him off before he could speak any further. "Shut up! And STAY away from me!" I said, growling slightly. I hand the sword to Annabeth and walks away.

Percy P.O.V

"Why did she seem to hate you so much?" I hear Annabeth asked me. I turn to her and shake my head. "I don't know..." I said, obviously I'm lying. But I can't tell anyone that Y/N is the daughter of Medusa. I don't want her to get bash and hated on.

I care for her... I don't want her to get hurt. I have to find a way to get her to warm up to me. But of course it's going to be hard. Thinking how I'm the cause of her mother's death... and by the way she's implying on it... seems like her mother is the only one there for her... and I took away her mother's life.

I just watch her as she walks away from me. My chest hurt, knowing how much she hates me. But why am I feeling this way?

Am I... in love?



It's almost curfew time. But I can't really fall asleep. So I decided to take a stroll. At least until I'm feeling sleepy enough to fall asleep.

I stop by the lake and decide to just sit down. I love to stare into the water. I find it very peaceful. I kneel down next to it and take a seat.

I hug my knees close to my chest and stare into the rippling water. I can feel myself drifting off into a deep thought. Mostly a thought about my mother, and how happy I will be if she's still here with me.


"Mommy! Mommy!!" A little me calling out. My mom is arranging the statue. I know what she's been doing. She's been turning people into stones. But I'm not scared. Since I'm her daughter. I'm immune to her stare.

She turns around and smiles at the sight of me. "Hello, sweetie..." she said, kneeling down with her arms wide open. I jump into them, snuggling into her embrace.

"Mommy... why do you keep turning people into stone?" I asked. I can see her eyes reflecting sadness. "I never meant to, sweetie... it's just in my blood... every people who stare into my eyes will automatically turned into stone... just like them..." she said, gesturing towards the statue around us.

"Why? Are you scared of me?" She asked. I shake my head, smiling cheekily at her. "No... of course not, mom! You're my mother. I wouldn't be scared of my own mother..." I said. She smiles at me and pat my head gently.

I wrap my tiny arms around her neck. "I love you, mommy!" I said. "I love you too, sweetie... you're the only person that accepted me... thank you for always staying by my side..." she said. I can hear the sadness in her tone.

End of Flashback

"And you're the only one that's ever been by my side, mother..." I said, staring into my reflection. I choke a sob as I bury my face into my arms.

"Why... why do you have to leave me so soon, mom... why do you have to be taken away from me... no one accepts me in this cruel world... no one understands me" I said, tears streaming down my cheeks.

Percy P.O.V

I can't sleep... so I decided to take a walk. The fresh air would help ease my thought. I stand up from my hammock. Then put on my shoes. Then I walk out of my cabin.

I come across the lake. I notice someone hunching over it. I take a closer look and realize it's Y/N. She appears to be crying.

Then I hear what she said. She thinks no one accept her? Why would she think like that?? I'm here... I've always been trying to get close with her. But she's the one shutting me out.

'Hm... maybe I should approach her... yeah... I think I should' I thought to myself. I take a deep breath and walk closer to her.


I can hear the sound of footsteps coming closer. I take a sniff and smell the scent of the ocean. In an instant I know I it's him. I lift my head from my arms and stare into the distance.

"Not a step closer..." I said, without turning my head. I can hear the footsteps stops. "What do you want, Jackson?" I asked. "H-How did you y-you know it was me?" He asked, stuttering a little. "You smell of the ocean..." I said, in a bored tone. "Oh..." was all he said.

"Y/N..." I hear him calls out. "What?" I said, a little harsh than I intended to. "I'm sorry..." he said. I turn my head slightly. "For what? Killing my mother??" I asked. He just stayed silent, but I can see it in his eyes. I let out a scoff and stand up.

"Sorry... doesn't bring her back, would it??" I asked, angrily. I push him away harshly. "You took away the only person that's always been there for me! No one in this world accepts me! In their eyes... I'm nothing but a monster!" I scream at him. "I understand your pain, Y/N..." he said, in a soft tone. I scoff "don't kid yourself, Jackson... no one understand my pain..." I said.

"And you know what's the worse part is?" I asked. "What?" He asked. I clench my hands into a tight fists, as I look away from him.

"I start to feel something for you I shouldn't have! Why do you always made it hard for me?!! I HATE you... but at the same time... I don't..." I scream at him. Tears manage to stream down my cheeks. "And I know...

I shouldn't be feeling this way...

*to be continued*

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