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★4; 𝖗𝖊𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖓 𝖔𝖋 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝕶𝖎𝖓𝖌★

The salty tears on Brienne's cheeks had dried as the cool breeze hit her face

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The salty tears on Brienne's cheeks had dried as the cool breeze hit her face. She sat alone, ignoring whatever it was her brother's were discussing - Ubbe, Hvitserk and Sigurd slouched around the front of the cabin, making themselves busy as Ivar opted to take a nap inside. Brienne Lothbrok often wondered what her life would be like had she not been born a princess - would she be worse, or better off? The girl dreamed of sailing the world, discovering new lands and making her own legacy, one that was not tied to Ragnar Lothbrok. It was exhausting living every waking moment of her life in his shadow, people already had expectations for her before even meeting her - all because of her father, a man she could barely even remember. 

Ubbe had been keeping a close eye on his little sister after her confession. Although he knew that she was sneaking around with this boy, he had no idea how much she really cared for him. He swore to himself that if he ever did come face to face with Illian, he'd make him pay for the pain he had caused Brienne. 

Brienne perked up slightly at the distant sound of leaves crunching on the ground. Squinting her eyes as her hair blew on her face in the wind, the girl twisted her body to see who was approaching the siblings.

"Bjorn!" She announced happily - her spirits lifting at the sight of the man. Just like the rest of her brothers, Bjorn had always been very protective over Brienne, but their relationship was far different. He wanted Brienne to follow her ambitions, instead of sheltering her to keep her safe. The older man had taught her how to use a bow and arrow, in which Brienne had naturally excelled - much to his surprise.

The girl stood to her feet and picked up her long silky dress from the ground as she rushed to greet her eldest brother. With a bright smile on her face she launched herself into his arms, and with a hearty chuckle, the man reciprocated. 

"Ah, hello little one!" Bjorn greeted, mockingly cradling Brienne's cheeks. "I'll be taller than you one day - just wait and see!" The girl beamed. Brienne had become much more relaxed now, almost forgetting about Illian entirely, her familiar golden smile spread from cheek to cheek which soon became mirrored by the rest of the Ragnarssons. "We have much to talk about." Announced Bjorn, become much more serious as his eyes met each of his brothers. 

The group of six had sat in the fresh air for a while upon Bjorn's arrival. A strange aura hanging over their heads as Bjorn addressed their current situation. He had heard that their fathers settlement in England had been destroyed almost immediately after their people left the land. Brienne was not too sure what she thought of the whole situation, she was in complete shambles. She desperately wanted to refuse any ideas that Ragnar Lothbrook was anything but the legendary man she had idolised her whole life. But the man Bjorn spoke of, sounded more like a coward than a king. 

She kept her gaze on the grass below her feet as she tried to ignore the bickering between her brothers. They argued between themselves, questioning their fathers motives - did Ragnar ignore this issue just to sail to Paris? Was fame all he cared about? She could deal with their questions and disagreements, but it was Hvitserk's comment that had finally made her snap.

"If he ever came back, I would kill him."

"Screw you!" Brienne spat, surprising all of her brothers with her sudden outburst. "Screw all of you. He is our father, and that is the end of it." 

"I love our father just as much as you do-" Ubbe tried, as he always does, to defuse the situation but there was no settling on this one. A mischievous grin grew on Ivar's face as he watched Brienne's blood begin to boil and her face turn red. "You are soft Ubbe. You don't have the balls to kill Ragnar. None of you do." 

"Would you kill him Brienne? If he gave you the chance?" Ivar questioned, perking a brow - as if he had just delivered a joke. "Why would I want to? I admire Ragnar Lothbrook, he is viking - and he makes mistakes just like the rest of us."

"You can all say whatever you want, but he was a human. People started to talk as if he was a god. He was not a god, he was a man! A man with many dreams and many failings. I've learned that in the years since he went away. If I was him, I wouldn't come back. Despite all his failings, he's still the greatest man in the world to me." Obviously Brienne had to agree with Bjorn, they shared a look of understanding - nodding at one another. Brienne, un like her brothers, had never developed a real relationship with her father before he left. She was far too young to remember him, so to her - he really was a god. Everything she knew about her father she had learnt through bedtime stories and glorious tales around a warm fire. 


It had been a long day for Brienne, one of the longest she had had in a while. Upon returning to Kattegat with her brothers, her feet ached and her head raced - trying to recap everything the day had thrown at her. But it seemed that unfortunately, that this day was not yet over. 

Her brows furrowed at the sight of a large crowd, whispering to one another with shocked looks on their faces, all gathered in a circle at the centre of the town. Her siblings seemed to share in her curiosity and made their way to join the group. They made their way through the large crowd, Ubbe leading the pack as little Brienne stood up on her toes trying to see what all of the ruckus was about.

"Let us pass. Move." Ubbe demanded as the group made their way to the front of the crowd. It was then that Brienne understood. Her jaw slacked as she took a sharp intake of air, she could've sworn her heart even stopped beating for a moment. Stood in front of her was the very man her and her brothers had been arguing about earlier that day. Circled by his people, in all of his glory stood; Ragnar Lothbrook.

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