❤︎ IX ❤︎

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A frown made its way onto Molly's face as she peaked through Lee's cracked door it's been two years since they first arrived at Richmond and Clem still hasn't returned.

At first lee was ecstatic to know that Clem was going to return to richmond and he'd finally be reunited with her but that wasn't the case days turned into weeks, weeks into months and months into years and still no sign of her return.

After a year had passed lee wanted to go and search for her but he couldn't leave not when the place he called home for over a year had been at war, javi needed him to help protect their home so he stayed.

Kenny wasn't able to help fight since his eye was gone and he couldn't really aim a gun so he helped plan and fortify the walls so he didn't feel completely useless

Molly on the other hand helped fight however during one of the recent missions she was on she was injured badly and had to stay back for a month or so, so she could heal.

During this period of time Lee's mental health began to plummet, he didn't care about himself the only thing he cared about was if Clem was okay, was she feed, was she safe, was she even alive? Those questions swirled around his mind.

Kenny was in the same boat as lee however he wasn't just worried about Clem he was worried about Aj he was just a toddler when they got separated, who knows if he was okay but he did know that if Clem was still out there fighting Aj would be safe.

Molly didn't have the chance to grow such a strong bond with Clem like the others since they only knew each other for a bit however she knew that the only way to make the two males feel better was to reunite them.

As the blond opened the door she could see lee slowly lift his head from between his hands that rested on his knees

"Lee...pack your things.." she spoke softly

"W-why" lees voice raspy

"Clem's waiting for us to find her so come on" she placed a small peck on his forehead

A slight spark flashed through Lee's eyes for a second

"I'll tell Kenny and then inform javi" the raven head said a small thank you before she left

She took a deep breath as she walked down the hall to Kenny's chambers tracing her fingers against the broken up wall paper that were stained a reddish brownish color from walker blood.

"Kenny" she called out knocking lightly on the door

"Kenny" she called out again when he didn't answer the first time

A small groan could be heard from inside followed by the squeaking noise as the male climbed out of bed, Kenny's hair was a mess, small bags under his eyes

"You need something" he yawned

"Pack your things it's been long enough it's time to get Clem and Aj back" she said sternly, Her words slapped the remainder of fatigue off his eye lids.

He nodded closing the door in her face. 'Now to tell javi' she thought trying to mentally prepare herself, javi gave them a home and now that home was in danger however they had to do this even if it meant leaving during this war.

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