getting a new pet

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a/n: heya loves, gonna be discontinuing this book for a little while. i will most likely come back in a few months but with multiple sets of big exams coming up at school while in a pandemic, i really can't say i'm not stressed, and writing is far from my top priority right now. i am, however, working on a philip hamilton x reader full story which i may keep a small project to work on in my free time to calm down. i hope y'all are staying safe and my wattpad & instagram dms are 110% open if you ever need anything at all!! please stay safe <33

- y'all probably get a cat bc they don't require as much attention as a dog and it really helps with alex's anxiety
- this cat is your new child. you do not need human babies.
- new house rule: you are not allowed to move if the cat is sitting on you

- dog. definitely a dog. (fun fact, laurens' favourite animal was a bird not a turtle! he only drew a lot of turtles because someone wanted him to draw one for them and he had to learn the anatomy(?) and all)
- you're always taking this dog on walks over the mountains and through fields

- idk man, y'all probably get a snake bc snakes are the best
- honestly it's never in the tank anymore
- like you'd just have a visitor and they'd see a snake on your shoulder and tell you as if you weren't aware

- he strikes me as a cat kinda guy???
- kitty cuddles!!
- honestly it's just cute

- john brings home a puppy without telling any of you
- none of you know how to look after a dog
- but you scrape by and this dog becomes the centre of your world

- y'all opt for a lizard
- probably a bearded dragon bc they're the only lizard i've owned before
- feeding it with locusts is a pain. they're EVERYWHERE.

- gecko!
- herc loves this gecko.
- he always has it out of the tank
- idk man y'all would probably own a tarantula too

- bird.
- tricks.
- best friend.
- you fucking love your new bird.

(fun fact: out of all the animals mentioned here i have owned birds, cats, bearded dragons and i'm hopefully getting a snake soon! yes i love animals with my entire heart and my entire life revolves around them please let me have this)

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