when you've had a bad day

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- he'll read to you to take your mind off things, usually you'll end up falling asleep to his soothing voice and he'll carry you to bed
- it's a win win because he's always reading anyways so you both enjoy it

- he'll play games with you all night and you'll binge movies together until like 5am

- he'll cook your favourite food for dinner and he'll make it like a restaurant and it'll just be a very extravagant date night and you just fall in love with him all over again!!

- he'll just let you vent about your day and you won't really do anything special but it's okay because he'll just cuddle you all. damn. night.


- alex will read to you while you and john cuddle

- laf and herc draw you a really nice bath and they'll come in with you if you're comfortable, if not they'll either sit by the side or not be in there at all, it's up to you!!

- cuddles. in. bed.
- y'all don't really so much you just cuddle but you love it

hey, if you're interested in hamilton reader insert oneshots (not necessarily romantic!!) then, mayyyybe you could check out my new book? you don't have to!

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