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*time skip* HOGSMEADE

"oh there they are" I said dragging blaise behind me into The Tree Broomsticks. We all sat down at the table the golden trio were at. Blaise pulled me onto his  lap so there would be enough room for everyone. I blushed at his touch. Ron looked pissed but I brushed it off. "So theres something all of us need to talk about together, so can we just be civil for once" I said with a hopeful tone. "Bloody hell Pandora I never thought you would fall so low and date a slytherin" ron said trying to stand up. Hermionie pulled him back down I just rolled my eyes. "Ronald dont be like that, it dosnt matter who I'm with as long as I'm happy right? Besides that's not what I came here to talk about. I found out some important stuff" I said and blaise slipped his arm around my waist in front of him. "Pandora were friends, of course I want to see you happy but you can do better than a slytherin. i just dont want you to get hurt" He said and blaise started to get irritated. "Oh really and look who's been here for her when she couldnt sleep, when she liked you and you acted like you hated her, oh and weasley what about the Tim-" "guys shut the hell up we came her to talk about what I just found out stop bringing up the past I just found out something big" I looked at the table and whispered "sirius black is my father" I looked back up worried about what they would say. But it was silent. "How" hemionie asked. "Hermionie our mums were bestfriends before..." I said looking down at the table. "My moms name was Marlene McKinnon at least before her and Sirius got married. James was my godfather." I said now looking up at Harry "and my dad, sirius, is yours. My mum passed when I was three months old. I had two brothers but as you all know sirius was charged with there murder." I said looking across the table. "Pandora do you think he did it." Harry asked. "Harry I honestly cant awnser that, deep down I dont think he did, he was never given a trial. It's still very well possible." I said looking over at him. "That night, lily, took me in to hide me. My dad was at work and came home to be framed. I'm sorry for your parents. I'm sure it was my fault. If I wouldnt have needed protection, your mum wouldn't have took me in and they wouldnt be gone. Harry you saved me that night when voldemort came. And I know this changes everything but if you hate me I get that I just wanted you to know I'm grateful you saved my life." Harry grabbed my hand from across the table. "Pandora your like a sister to me I could never hate you, never" he said and smiled. I returned the smile and continued. "When everything happened with our parents harry went to the dursleys and I went to the grangers with Hermionie. And your parents took me in and protected me and I will forever be grateful." I said looking at Hermionie "do you have any family in the wizarding world?" Ron asked completely intrigued. "Yes actually." I said and looked over at Draco. "No way, theres no way" harry said looking astonished. "Dont worry it's on my mum's side, harry your not related" I said laughing a little. A waitress came over and we all ordered some butterbeer. "So I guess you dont need me to owl my father anymore?" Ron asked looking relived. "No i dont thanks." I said and blaise pulled me back so I was laying my back on his chest. He hugged me quickly and said he would be back. He was out of distance when Hermionie said "SPILL, I NEED TO KNOW EVERYTHING BETWEEN YOU TWO" and I laughed a bit and blushed. Pansy and draco left way earlier probaly somewhere in a corner snogging. They liked eachother but were completley oblivious to the fact. "Um okay so Draco and Blaise told me about everything last night and it got a bit emotional so blaise made stayed with me in the common room. We mainly just talked then snuggled a bit. I know I said I didn't do 'likeing' people but theres something about him I cant let go." I said smiling to myself. "What if he hurts you" ron asked. "He wont ron, hes really sweet, caring, and knows how to make me feel like me again. I'm just to scared somethings going to happen and I'll lose him for good." I said taking a sip of my butterbeer "pandora I'm sure if he loves you he wont leave you if something happens. Be happy, dont be afraid to love because of what might happen. Like you told me theres no use in worrying about the what ifs, if it's meant to be it's meant to be." I smiled remembering the time we were sitting on her bed in our small joined room. She was scared our parents were going to hate her cause she broke mum's favorite necklace. I was brung back to reality when blaise came back with Draco and pansy. They were drunk. "Panda you wanna come to  the tea shop with us they onviously need some sobering up." He asked looking hopeful. "As long as I get that pumpkin pasty you promised this morning" i said laughing. "I already planned on it." He said smiling. "Thank guys I'll see you tomarow" I said getting up before they could protest.

"Two peppermint teas and two regulars please. Oh and a pumpkin pasty" Blaise said when our waitress finally arrived. I smiled as he hit Draco in the back of the head "wake up mate" blaise said in an accent. Draco stirred in his seat half asleep like. Pansy was twirling Dracos hair in her hands. Our waitress came back and we finished up everything. Draco and pansy were back sober so we all headed back to Hogwarts once again

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