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"Okay, so I have detention today than I'm meeting up with blaise, malfoy, and parkinson to go to hogsmeade. Any luck on the letter?" I asked sitting down. "Are you and Zambini a thing?" Ron asked in shock and annoyance.  "No Ronald, I dont see why it would mean anything to you if we were." I said rolling my eyes. Rons ears turned red. Was he embarrassed or jealous? I looked back at Blaise and saw him laughing at something stupid malfoy said, which put a smile on my face. I dont know what it is but everytime I see him happy and laughing with his friends I feel a sense of relief almost safe if that was ever possible. "You like him" hermionie stated in a sing song voice. Was it really that obvious, I mean I wasnt trying to hide it but I didnt wanna seem like this clingy suffocating person. "Pandora Granger dosnt "like" people much less has a thing for them." Ron said laughing a bit. "Right?" he then asked a bit worried. He was repeating something I said in third year. "Mabey a bit but-" "Pandora is this yours" a voice called from behind me cutting me off. It was George weasley and his twin fred behind him. "Bloody hell I've been looking for that for like a week, whered you find didnt read it did you" I said grabbing my journal from him. "I found it in the library, your an amazing writer by the way." George said smiling."Yeah you could actually write for the newspaper one day" Fred said summing it up for George. Fred and George finished eachothers sentences all the time, it was nothing new but it never failed to amaze me. There was something about them I always admired. They didnt care what anyone thought, and they pulled pranks day in and day out. Last year Me Hermionie, and Harry spent some time at the Borrow and I helped them prank Ron about a dozen times. "Thanks guys but I would have appreciated if you didnt read it, and more if we dont talk about this ever again" I said standing up. "Wait pandora, I didnt know you write" harry said looking confused. "Sometimes but it's nothing major plus I'm not good, I'll see you guys later yeah?" I said and walked over to blaise "You ready to go panda" blaise asked smiling down at me. He wasnt much taller than me but I still would have to stand on my tiptoes to kiss him. I loved that nickname more than my own name. It made it even better that it was comeing from him. Almost like a song or a poem all in one word and with one voice. "Of course blaise" I replied looking up at him smiling ear to ear. I felt A light blush crept across my cheeks. As we were leaving the dining hall I felt eyes on me, just as I was about to look around and see if I could spot the perp blaise kissed me on the forehead. I caught a glance at the trio and Hermionies face looked like it could break. As always the guys just sat there staring. Rons ears and face went red from anger or jealousy. I didnt his deal though I mean I liked him and he acted like he hated me now he has no right to be jelous. while harry gave me a thumbs up like the supporting friend hes always been.
Me, blaise, Malfoy, and parkinson had most of our classes together considering were all in slytherin. Our first class was potions my personal favorite. Instead of doing anything fun snape gave us an essay about the amortentia potion. At least I could write. I would look up randomly and see blaise looking at me I would smile at him or mouth something stupid about snape. careful not to be loud. Hopeing Blaise wouldn't laugh. The rest of the day went by slowly. I thought it would never end.

My last class was Mcgonagalls and I had detention after. "Mrs. Granger, dont forget you have detention, Mr.Zambini I need to see you after class as well." Mcgonagall said as I walked in. I started to wonder If it had something to do with us sleeping in the common room floor together.

*time skip* DETENTION

Me and blaise walked into proffeser Mcgonagalls office and sat down. Glancing at each other mostly trying to comfort the other. "Mr.Zambini, I'm sure you are confused as to why you are here. The reason I needed to see pandora wasnt dress code. It was on regards of her family. I'm sure you know what's going on considering you were the one to relay this information to her." Blaise then grabbed my hand under the small coffee table in front of us and nodded his head "Candy?" Minerva asked tilting a bowl towards us. We both shook our heads no. "Pandora, the information Blaise has given you about your father is true. You are the daughter of Sirius black. In fact a spitting image. Attitude too." She laughed a little too herself like she was lost in memories. "I know this is a bit to take in and I'm sure you have questions?" She said more of a statement than a question. I looked at blaise and he squeezed my hand not letting go. "Who's my mother..." I said looking back at proffeser Mcgonagall. My voice breaking a little of nervousness. "Marlene McKinnon" she said looking sadly. "Shes past isnt she" I asked minerva tearing up a little. "You were about three months old when the death eaters found your mum and brothers, luckily lily and james took you in that night for your mum, she wanted to protect you at all cost. Your mum and dad were part of the order of the Phoenix. Your dad was at work and was framed with the murder of your two brothers, and mother. sadly it happened to james and lily too. Pandora if it wasnt for Harry you wouldnt be alive. Voldemort was weak when he found you and harry luckily he was there to protect you" She said and I was lost in my thoughts. I had siblings? How did i get so lucky? How did I end up with the grangers? Did they know? Why didnt they tell me? I needed to tell Harry. Would he even be my friend if he knew I was the reason his parents died? I was pulled from my thoughts when blaises squeezed my hand. "How did I end up with the grangers?" I asked her "I mean I must have some family? My grandparents, a uncle or aunt. Cousins mabey. Right?" I asked looking down at the table "You have family all around you. Forgive me for keeping this all from you. But Draco Malfoy is your closest cousin on your mum's side. Narcissia was Marlenes sister. It would have been far too dangerous for you to be with them. So your mum's friend, Mrs.Granger took you in." She said and I reached into my pocket and pulled out a peice of parchment. "Okay, I um, thank you but can you sign this. " I said handing her the permission slip for hogsmede. "Of course if you need anything anything at all, I'm here." Minerva said with a smile as she grabbed the paper. She signed it. And Me and blaise then went to go find the others. It was silent the whole walk until we stoped outside the painting to the common room. "Are you okay" blaise stopped me turning me towards him. "Yea, I'm okay. I just want to tell the others. I wanna know more about my family. About everything." I said and he pulled me into a hug. I never wanted to let go. He made me feel like everything was gonna be okay. The common room door opened and out came Draco and pansy. "Get a room" pansy said laughing. I pulled away from the hug. Blaise said "Shut it pansy" giving her a death glare. I put my arms on his shoulders and pulled myself up a bit and gave him a quick kiss. "I'm fine blaise" I said smiling. I then turned to Draco and Pansy and said "we found out some more stuff and I need to talk to the trio and you guys and I would like to do it at the same time so i dont say the wrong things. They are suppost to be going to hogsmeade so I guess when we get there we can find them." I said grabbing Blaises hand and leading him through the hallway.

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