Chapter 2

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(Naruto's POV)

The Next Day...

I woke up to the morning sun blinding my eyes. I managed to sleep that night but not too much. I had bags under my eyes and my body ached. I really need a day to myself but I know that won't happen because of training. I got dressed and walked outside. They won't mind if I'm a little late, will they? I walk back to the Uchiha household. Dark even in the day. I've never understood at first why people liked Sasuke. At first...Now I know. I'm not saying I like, like Sasuke. I'm saying I know why they saw him as the popular one. I could tell he didn't want to be. He doesn't like getting too much attention. But I pay attention to him. I look up to him from time to time, that's including height wise. I sit on a nearby bench and just start to think. Why are people crushing on him? He's got the looks I'll give him that. But what else? Is that all that he's liked for? If that's the case then of course he doesn't like anyone. Sasuke is so much more than that. He's strong, organized, smart, and not to mention awesome! That fight with him three years ago was a pretty decent fight. Although, I wish it were under different circumstances. I can just imagine how strong our fights would be now.

I'm getting off track, I need to get to training. Oh jeez, I'm gonna get it from Sakura. I'm just as bad as Kakashi, now I have to think of an excuse! I ran as fast as I could to our usual spot. Where we had our first lesson. As expected, Kakashi still wasn't there and Sakura... "Where were you, huh?!" I rubbed the back of my neck in embarrassment.

"I slept in...sorry Sakura" she crossed her arms. Kakashi then arrived just minutes after that.

"Sorry I'm late!" He said.

"Naruto just got here too."

"Did he now?" I nodded.

"Yeah, I did" Ugh, I'm never doing that again. I got yelled at by Sakura, Kakashi made fun of me for it...I think? I can never tell with him. Anyway, yesterday they were concerned because I didn't get much sleep. Today, they're concerned because I was late. After they nagged me for it, it finally hit them. I'M NEVER LATE! They were so suspicious to the point where Sakura had the courage to ask, "Where were you...for real?"

I turn to her and put on a fake smile. "I told you, I slept in!" She shook her head.

"I know you're lying, Naruto..." I sighed and slouched down to the ground, leaning against a tree.

"I...I was at the Uchiha household" I avoided eye contact with her, ready for a scolding.

"Why were you there?" I held back any tears that were on it's way.

"N-no reason..."

"Naruto, enough with the lying!" She yelled. Kakashi had heard and came over concerned.

"What's with the yelling?" He asked.

"Naruto was at the Uchiha household. He doesn't know that he can tell us anything.." I turned my head away from the two Shinobi.

"Okay, you've been tired for days and you visited Sasukes old home. I think I know what this is about.." Sakura nodded in agreeement.

"Naruto, we all miss him to-" I cut her off in anger. That's what they're all going to say, but they don't understand why I feel this way. Neither do I. I'm so confused with my emotions. Why my body responds to my thoughts the way it does. I think of Sasuke and I cry. Sure I miss him but not enough to cry about it. I think...Ugh, why can't I figure this out! "Just stop! Leave me be..." I stand up and depart from the group. They feel sorry for me...they know what I've been through, but not how I feel about it. I run off into the direction of the entrance of Konoha.

"Naruto? Where are going?!" Izumo yelled over to me. I didn't say a word and just kept running straight out of Konoha. I'm done here for now, I will return...but not for awhile. I ran and ran into nowhere. Into what seemed to be a never ending forest. They'll send Kakashi's dogs after me, I know it. I'll just have to get as far as possible...I went so far that I lost myself. Me as a being and I have no idea where I am. It's so quiet, you can't even hear the wind blowing in the trees. No birds were chirping. The only sound that was heard, was my own tired heartbeat. I stopped to rest, I've been running for hours. I laid down on the grass, heated by the sun, and fell asleep.

When I woke up, it was night. The rest of team probably thinks I'm home. When they check, they won't find me there. They will most likely suspect that I went after Sasuke. I wonder if he out here, wanting to come home and waiting for the perfect moment. I doubted myself at the thought. "No way would Sasuke be here..."

(No POV)

Little did Naruto know, if you think of someone you care about most, they know. If you want them here, they are. And that's exactly what happened. Naruto said the things he wanted to get off his chest. Things he wanted to tell himself and others. The things he doubted, hated, and loved. He said things that he told no one. But he didn't know that someone was listening. And that someone was the person he longed for most.
(Hope you enjoyed this chapter, I had fun writing it! Next chapter coming out either later today or tomorrow! I almost hit 1000 words again but I'm stuck at 997! So close..I just wrote this hoping I would get there lol!...SASUNARU FANFIC! YEAH! I DID IT 1013 words! Over 1000 words per chapter! Not any less!)

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