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They realized they were holding hands about 2 minutes later they quickly pulled theirs hands away and fell into a akward silence Nice going rollins everything was going great till you looked at your hands now look you've fucked up everthing you should have just pretended as if you had absoulutely no idea that you were holding hands with her then you would still have her touch in yours. He thought to himself he tuned that part of his brain out infact he tuned a lot of his brain out the part of his brain that was still functioning was the part he liked to call the dean zone where his thoughts that he always ignored and thought that even though that's how he felt , no body would understand that is why most of the time never let the dean zone run wild cause that would make him listen to his heart esspecially now that he was with Becky. As they reached the coffee shop it got really hard not to talk to each other so Becky broke the silence ''So umm how is the wresling school going" it was a lame start to their conversation and she new it but they had to start some where right? And besides what man doesn't want to talk about his accomplishments any way? Seth's face seemed to light up when he heard her question so it wasn't that bad a start good to know ''It's going pretty awesome I just wish I could be there more often you know but with the schedule and the constant travelling I just hope I will be  there more" he said taking a sip out of his cup it wasn't anything autographs Seth seemed to like the fact that it was almost closing time and that no one in a million years would think a WWE superstar would come there and that's the beauty the fact the fans only get to see their TV persona more than there real life persona was sometimes beneficial like they could come to this place and probably expect somebody to come and ask for an autograph or a selfie but in the end no body does is awesome and he owes to the fact that some fans are so short sighted when it came to there favourite superstars or the superstars in general some people like R-truth were lucky Vince didn't seem to change them they were the same in and out of the ring.Others like Braun Strowman were oftenly  for as a scary brut who enjoys crushing everything in his path and only smiles when he causes pain and distruction when actually he is the exact opposite. ''Colby, Colby, COLBY!" Becky finally yelled '' What were you thinking of ? I have been trying to get in touch with your brain like 4ever " Becky finished Seth had kinda tuned out after he finished his coffee. ''Sorry I was just remenicing but we can leave now  that is if your done "he said Becky nodded she was just about to pull her purse out to pay but Seth stopped her " Let the gentleman pay " Becky would usually protest but what was the point '' So... were should we go next? um I'm pretty sure that the club Ash was telling me about is still open we could go there '' She suggested '' Why not the night is still young let's go." In her mind there were like a trillion reasons why she should have kept her mouth shut but she ignored it all of it thinking it was just nerves. The club was just a 2 buildings away so they walked ''Wow no wonder Ashley suggested over here it is so....... "  ''HER '' he finished her sentence they went up to the bar and started off with wine and then they both remembered they were free for tomorrow and the day after so what was the point '' 2 whiskeys with coke '' he ordered Becky eyed him then right before the bartender could do any thing Becky piped up '' Wait she said 2 shots of strait tequila your strongest not some of that American shit  Irish tequila for me and my buddy over here '' She said pointing towards Seth ''Unless your scared '' She finished clearly taunting him He shook his head '' If this a cheap way to end up in my hotel room ..... but I think I can handle a few shots but can you '' He said with a wicked grin '' I am Irish 10 shots won't get me high.... let's make a bet first to reach 13 wins '' . He hasiteted for a moment before he finally answered taking he's glass drank it they had reached the 5th shot before she said '' What do you get if you win she asked clearly  not gonna accept defeat '' You have sex with me no questions asked  '' OK '' obviously they were not thinking a little clearly  and did not know what they were talking about plus Becky was still on birth control so the prob of pregnancy was taken care of '' And .......... yo-'' he was cut of by a kiss as his hands curled on her hips she drew herself closer before on his lap pressing her hips on his groin making him moan he pulled his hands away from her hips and in side her jeans before his hands got to her clit , and before they could stray any further ''BECKY! BECKY! '' Charlotte yelled before pulling her away from him making Becky groan in annoyance ''We.... are... going ......on........ a, trip .......with..... the ,rest, of, us. '' she said pointing towards the girls before dragging her away Seth wanted to follow her he really did but looking down at the white splatter on his pants '' Shit '' he murmured before getting up and mastering all the brain power he had left and started to leave he knew it was not from the alcohol and he knew she knew the kiss was not from the alcohol either and that both sides did it willingly knowing exactly what they were doing.

A\N; WATCH OUT FOR MY NEXT BOOK AND THANK YOU SO MUCH@combatfierie for letting me use her book BREAKER OF RINGS THANK U SO MUCH 😄😄😄😄

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2020 ⏰

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