Meeting the angels

978 22 26

( I do not own the characters of the boondocks but I do own the characters Mauriah, rhienna, Boonie, Layla, Jane, and Quinn but I don't own boondocks credit goes to Arron the group came toghter in 2018 their started this mission In 2019)

3 girls came together on July 20, 2018, the day his daughter Mauriah turned 19 to finally make his team the angels complete. Boonie has been trying to make this unstoppable team for years he trained them to be the best of the best to prepare them for their biggest mission yet.

The girls were sitting on a black leather couch in a beige office waiting for the boss man to give them their next assignment.  Jazmine and Cindy were talking about how they hope the mission wouldn't take long so that they could go on vacation. They all planned to go to Hawaii for when they finally get to take a break. While Mauriah was lost in thought about what the mission could be.

"Morning ladies, " Boonie says, as he went to sit at his desk.

"Morning Boonie," the girls said as a collective waiting to receive the information for their mission.

"So I know you all are wondering what this mission is or how long it will be but there's good news and bad news," Boonie says nervously.

"And what exactly is the bad news," Jazmine asked sounding a little upset.

"It can't be that bad .. wait," Cindy says "you can't be serious boon".

"Cindy what I'm not catching on," Jazmine says with a clueless expression on her face.

"Jazz the mission it gonna is longer than expected... which means no vacation for a whole year" Mauriah stated feeling a little upset.

"But Boonie you promised us" Jazmine whined

"Ladies I know what I promised but we finally have a chance to let y'all start the MISSION and y'all didn't let me say the good news," Boonie said, "y'all will get a year off for vacation".

" hold up you mean to tell me I'm gonna be getting some Hawaiian dick all year" Cindy cheers happily.

Jazmine laughed, while Mauriah rolled her eyes playfully at her friend's funny comment.

"As long as you can keep your promise ". Mauriah says while rolling her eyes.

" I promise.. now let's get down to business," Boonie says ." Rhienna passes out the folders to the girls for me please".

" yes, father," rhienna says as she starts to pass the folders out to the girls.

Rhienna was mauriahs step sister her and Mauriah never got along. they love each other but rhienna was always jealous of Mauriah because she was chosen to be an angel instead of her.

She was also jealous of the friendship that the girls had and tried multiple times to break the friendship and, you can see the bond was unbreakable.

" as you can see" Boonie started " in the folder, it tells you what you'll say or tell them what your qualifications are for you to be able to join the drug ring".

"Question" Mauriah says, he nodded to insure her to ask her question. " who exactly runs this drug ring, and what exactly are we looking for there ?" Mauriah asked.

" Good question riah," Boonie says " first the drug ring is run by no other than the big businessman himself Quinton Freeman". The girls look at their father figure Boonie in shock at the information they just received.

The media see Quinton as a big family man with his two sons Huey Freeman and Riley Freeman. They look like a perfect family.

Huey fights for the right of POC and, Riley is just Riley if that makes sense. That boy did a lot of stupid shit if you tell us.

They're an iconic family and a few years back they lost their mother she was beautiful and it sad that they lost her but the girls would have never thought they would be behind an operation of a drug ring.

" you for real or you fa fake boons you is lying man," Cindy says still kinda shocked by the sudden information.

"Boonie you sure we don't go the wrong information those people are angels I mean Riley and Quinton might be the Huey dude seems scary but there innocent still ". Jazmine says feeling quite unsure about the information.

"Only one way to find out by going on this mission and getting into the ring". Mauriah said acting unbothered but feeling also unsure about it.

"Also girls we need a lot of evidence to take down their whole operation," Boonie says " and " find all their weaknesses".

"That's all shouldn't the mission be over in a week then," Cindy says a bit confused.

" not if I want y'all to get in a little deeper by getting into the inner circle". Boonie said.

The girls looked at him crazy to see if he was being serious or not.

"Well, this is the end of the meeting girls go home and get some rest because your mission starts tomorrow," Boonie said getting up to walk out the room.

The girls went home processing the information that they received hours ago.

786 words
Edited: 868 words

I feel like this was super short but I tried to tell me what you guys think

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