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"Hey husky baby." Said angel as he sauntered in the bar.

"What the fuck does your hoe slut ass want."

Instantly angel remembered that you and husk were close freinds and got the perfect idea.

"Bloody Mary then come to the lounge area in approximately 2 minutes thanks toots" angel said with a wink

Husk rolled his eyes and slid the drink to angel came back into the lounge are and sat next to you handing you the drink.

Your eyes lit up seeing the bright red color reminding you of the bloody Mary's husk mad for you.

You took the drink giving it a couple sips. "Shit that's loaded with tequila" you said shaking your head.

"That's the way I like to make it" you heard a familiar voice from the door way of the bar.

You didnt look up no actual fucking way you thought slowly lifting your head.

Husk didnt recognize your voice you had more a domonic voice now so it was different. You looked at the winged cat with your eyes widening

"This might sound really fucking weird but I think i know you......" you said with a smirk and crossed arms.

"I would say the same" husk said leaning against the door frame

"Ya know you have always been a ass." You said

You got up looking at him with a smirk

"Why?" He asked

"What do you mean why?"

"Why are you here"

You looked at angel then looked back at him.
"That's something you need to figure out yourself" you said with a smirk.

You walked back to angel and wipseperd in his ear.

"Got it" he said getting up pulling husk into the bar.


he yelled as the door slammed shut behind him.

"What was that about y/n" Charlie asked.

"I can't let him know how I died" you said looking at the ground.

Alastor got up and lifted your head up "now my dear dont be so down lets get you settled in here with a room and a job for you." He said with a smile.

You nodded with a smile.
You got room 666 wich was ironic.
You got a job at the I.M.P ( immediate murder professionals) but if that fails you'll work in the kitchen at the hotel.

Hiiiiii Ijoinmysinners bere and I know this is a short chap but I have to get sleep it's been 3 WHOLE SAYS!!

Husk x reader  ~shut up and drink~Where stories live. Discover now