Part 3

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Part 3

Damon was breathing heavily. He hugged me to his chest, his hand in my brown hair.

There were thick school books that had landed on the floor. What just happened? I looked up in the upper level of the school. People were just looking down. No one knew who had dropped the books.

The halls got loud again. People had their fingers pointing towards Damon and me. Damon hugged me tighter.

“Th-thank you. How did you-”

“Don’t. Let’s go.”

Where did that come from? He didn’t usually act like this. I just followed him to his car. He shoved me in. I gasped in confusion. He was never this aggressive with me.

“Vanessa. Don’t talk about it.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Please. I can’t accept that you were almost killed.”

I looked at him as he stared straight ahead, driving me home. I sighed. He cared about me. That feeling warmed my heart. I don’t deserve him. But I love him for it.

Damon dropped me off at my small house a few minutes later. I was greeted by a quiet home as usual. My parents are ALWAYS working. It has always been me and my brother, Allen.

Allen has been in a car accident a few years ago. He’s still getting through it and trying to move on. He does care for me, but he doesn’t usually say much anymore. That is, until dinner came by.

“YOU’RE ALWAYS WITH HIM, NESS! HE’S NOT GOOD!” he screamed all of a sudden. I said nothing. That’s what my mom has always said to do.

“Damon is trouble. He is going to get you no where. Stop hanging around him!”

I couldn’t stay silent any longer.

“Damon has been good to me! He’s my best friend. He gave me support when YOU couldn’t! So you can’t just go off and say that’s he’s bad for me when YOU are no better!” I cried. I slammed down my fork on the dinner table. I rushed up the stairs to my room.

“AH!” I yelled at myself, frustrated.

I jumped on my bed and stared at the ceiling. What just happened? What did I do? I can’ believe I still have to go to my concert after this. I packed up my things until I heard something. I looked towards the window. Something hit it. I started to panic. The person who wants to get to me is here. I slowly approach the window, taking a deep breath.

I saw his gray eyes, black hair, black jacket and jeans. I opened the window, but he threw another rock that almost hit me.

“Hey!” I yelled.

“Sorry Ness. Ready to go?” he smiles at me.

I can’t help but feel better after that. He’s so amazing.

“Allen and I got in a fight,” I say. Damon just looks up at me from the ground. He didn’t say anything. Just put his hands in his jacket. So I decided to say more. “Damon. Let’s just go.”

I hurriedly got changed to a formal black top and black pants. I ran my fingers through my hair. I ran down the wooden stairs and out the front door. I avoided Alan the best I could. I was worried that he would go off on me again.

I met Damon outside. I took a deep breath. Breathe, Ness, breathe. Allen isn’t going to ruin the rest of your night. Not today…

We arrived at the school and I met up with my friend, Amy. We quickly chatted and then hurried onstage.

After the concert, I met up with Damon who showed me the flowers he had bought.

“Aw! I love them!” I beamed.

He smiled, handing me the small bouquet of flowers he had gotten for me. He was so sweet. I said goodbye to Amy. I made sure to put them in a vase when I got home with plenty of water.

The next morning, I meet up with Damon at school waiting by my locker. He had a cup of coffee in one hand and a muffin in the other.

“Hey,” I greeted him. “Breakfast to go?”

“Yep. Got you one too,” he says right when I open my locker. Right next to my biology and algebra books are the muffin and a Caramel Frappe.

“Thanks,” I say, taking a sip of the drink before switching out my history with my biology book. I hurriedly put the book in my bag and grabbed the muffin.

“Anything for you, Ness,” he smiles, taking my hand as I take a bite of the muffin.


Hey guys! 

The story is almost done! :( I'm still not done editing XDD I'll make sure to hurry up and edit my stories in order to update on time! 

Thank you all for reading! I hope you are enjoying this as much I enjoyed writing it! 

I actually got my grade for this! 100%! YAY! :D

Read, Vote, Comment, Share.

See you all next week! 


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