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Gossip Girl: (Voice Over) "I bet you're wondering what Gossip Girl is doing up so early"

Nora opened the door to her brother's suite, stopping at the mess.

"Of course" Nora murmured, smirking slightly at the sight of Nate sprawled on the couch, seemingly just having woke up.

Gossip Girl: (Voice Over) "Truth is: I never went to bed. Why waste precious time dreaming when waking life is so much better? Is there really anything better than a lazy sunday? Reading the paper in bed, sipping coffee, scrambling an egg or two. Yeah, right. We Upper East Siders don't do lazy: Breakfast is brunch and it comes with champagne, a dress code and a hundred of our closest friends... and enemies. Nora and Chuck's dad Bart Bass is hosting the annual brunch for his foundation. Everyone is invited. Well, not everyone"

Nora clapped her hands, "Okay, lazy birds, get your asses up" Chuck groaned on his bed, surrounded by two girls. Nora was unfazed by the sight, "Get up, dear brother. Dad's Brunch's today"

"Alarm's set for night, Nor" Chuck mumbled sleepily, not moving.

"It's ten, Charles. Nathaniel" Nora turned to face him, giving him a pointed look, acting normally as if the guy hadn't betrayed her best friend's trust. After all, the best revenge was acting cool until you stabbed someone in the back. "Deal with that, please. And make him get rid of the nuisances"

Without waiting for another protest, Nora turned on her heel, stepping out of the room making sure the clicking of her heels was loud enough for the two guys with a headache.

Nora waited just outside Chuck's room as the two ladies on Chuck's room who were actually maids got out. Their hair was messy and their shirts were wrinkled.

"You missed a button, ladies" Nora called out making them stop, slowly turning around to face Nora who had her arms crossed over her chest, "Next time you get naughty, at least let your back up know. My suite's lacking mantainance"

The maids looked at each other nervously.

"I thought you called Lindsey?" Maid 1 asked.

Maid 2 looked at Nora nervously. "Sure I did"

"Well, she didn't get the memo" Nora told them coldly, enjoying how nervous they looked. "And she's not here to take the blame, so..."

This was a game Chuck and Nora liked to play. They knew their employees, specially the young ones would never report them to their father so the Bass siblings had a little competition of who made more employees cry over a month.

They always found a way to entertain each other, specially since their father didn't give them the time of the day they deserved and they had no more family to go to.

"It won't happen again, Miss Bass" Maid 1 apologized, anxiously "We'll get to work immediately-"

"Forget it" Nora told them, turning around, starting to leave, smirking "I got someone else better for the job. Just be on the lookout for a reprimand"

The two girls looked at each other in fear, anxious for what Nora Bass could do to them.


Nora and Will were finishing getting ready for her father's brunch.

Will looked at Nora's phone when it beeped with a missing call, "Someone's trying hard to reach you"

The phone rang again. Will watched it ring until it stopped, giving Nora a pointed look.

"No one important" Nora replied, grabbing her phone, seeing two missing calls from Serena, deleting them, "Besides, I don't want to get distracted"

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