Chapter 20- Every Alpha Needs a Beta

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I left early in the morning, before Allison woke up, before the sun had even started to rise. I knew I couldn't keep putting off the inevitable. At some point I was going to have to go to O'Brian's pack-- to my pack-- and-

And what? What was I going to do?

Was I supposed to march right in and tell them that I'm their new Alpha because I killed the old one? What if the pack was already starting to fall apart. No doubt the pack had started to feel uneasy at their Alpha's departure. A Luna or a Beta stand in would be good for only so long. 

I had the drive to figure it out. 

I met Jason by the car and he gave me a slight nod as we both got in. 

"Are you sure you want to just leave her here?" Jason asked. 

"She's sleeping. I didn't want to wake her up." Truth was, I didn't want to leave Allison here. I had just gotten her back and I was scared to death that if I left for one moment she would just disappear again. She was in my father's house though. It's the safest place in the entire pack to be. 

There was silence for quite some time before Jason finally asked the question I thought he would have asked right away. 

"Why did you want me to come with you?"

I kept my eyes on the road as I drove. The way I was going about this was completely unconventional, then again, this entire situation seemed unconventional. 

"I killed O'Brian," I said plainly. 

"I know you did. I assumed you did. Now you become the Alpha in his place."

I nodded. "With becoming the Alpha I need a Beta."

I could feel Jason's eyes on me, staring wide. This was most definitely not something he'd expected. However, to me it just made sense. Jason came to me when Allison was gone. We'd both been completely honest with one another about Allison. He knew where he stood and where I stood, and yet he was still willing to work with me to get her back. 

I'd come to depend on him throughout the process. I trusted him to get her out. I don't think I trusted anyone more than I'd trusted him. It just made sense for him to be my Beta. 

"I want that person to be you. I want you to be my Beta."

There was more silence. 

"You don't have to. You can say no." There was always the ability for someone to decline the position, but I hadn't come across anyone stupid enough to do it yet. If your given an important position, do you really refuse it?

I had been planning on offering the position to one of my friends. He was actually the son to my father's Beta. He had seemed like the sure choice, mainly because of his father. That's how it was most of the time, a lot like being the Alpha. However, Allison had been right every time she'd tried to step away from me. The person I'd turned into had been a terrible one. I blamed that on many different reasons, especially myself. The people I tended to hang out with though, were just as bad. 

While I may have made changes these past few months, I know that they are still the same as they were. There is that sense of entitlement that comes with your parents' positions in a pack. That comes from the long standing tradition of roles being passed down. Now I knew though, I wanted to run things the right way. I wasn't going to choose someone for the sake of tradition. I was going to choose someone because it's what they deserve. 

"Are you sure about that?" Jason finally asked. 

"I am absolutely sure. I trust you. I believe in you."

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