14 0 0

Everyone knows that Mr. Salvatorn doesn't leave a debt unpaid and even though I do not like him, that is enough for me to tolerate him. And in this moment, I feel as light as a feather on top of a cavalier's hat. I could run up to each and every person in this tavern and hug them.

Instead, I scout for the traitor Beth who abandoned me. In the back of a booth, I spot her sitting on top the lap of a gentleman. I stride up to her and stand boldly in front of them both blocking their entire view. She is giggling twirling strands of hair on her fingers as the auburn-haired male is expressly story-telling. They barely notice my presence.

"Time to go Beth," I say and start to pull her away used to her trouble-making.

"Aww," she murmurs pursing her lips. "It's time for me to part," she says directly to the bulky gentlemen.

"No, no don't leave," the man whines back.

"Hope to see you again, farewell," she purrs to the now surly man and stands up to follow me.
"I liked him," she pouts as I drag her away.

"You like everyone," I reply absentmindedly, but also knowing her too many frequent squabbles with men when she already has an arranged marriage forthcoming in the future.

She rolls her eyes. "What happened, did it work?" She says her attention span like a goat.

"Yes the Beast is going to negotiate for me and I will pay it pack by working here," I reply.

Her eyebrows raise in astonishment. "He actually talked to you?"

"Yes he did. And now I have a plan," I reply unable to hold back a close-lipped smile.

"I can't believe he talked to you! This is mind-boggling Claire!"

"Sure," I mutter as I get us to the destination I was aiming for. She shrieks at my response just as my line of sight falls on Stefan's turned back. I abruptly clear my throat loudly to claim his attention. Beth is still squealing over me getting up close and personal with the Beast, meanwhile Stefan doesn't even stir, busying himself with wiping a table.

"HmmHMmm," I grind out more deeply angling it right at him.

"Do you have something in your throat Claire why are you doing that?" Beth asks me puzzled and I stomp my foot irritated.

"Stefan!" I shout and he finally slowly turns around to me.

"Yes?" He declares, every inch of him prim and cut. His hair falls neatly combed behind his ears, his bronzed skin accentuating his deep chocolate eyes with not a single piece of dirt on his perfect velvet-trimmed clothes.

"Hi! I am Claire!" I reach out my hand towards him beaming out an exorbitant smile I keep for emergencies. He gives me an stern glare, his face scrunching in disgust and reaches out his fingers to clasp mine like it is a piece of trash he doesn't want to touch too closely.

"I am going to start working here tomorrow," I inform him nodding.

"Oh Kings no," he drops my hand and then pulls out a handkerchief to wipe his hands clean.

My mouth drops, everyone in this tavern is so rude.

"You don't even know me. It was just an accident the incident before! I'll have you know, I am a pleasant and clean person!" I declare crossing my arms unused to this much insult.

"Of course you are," he mutters mockingly. "Be here at 9am sharp," he says and looks in the Beast's direction his eyes almost bewildered and then glances back to observe me. "I'll train you. Fix yourself up and don't be late."

I quickly give myself a once-over at his accusation. My clogs are over-worn, but this is my best blouse and skirt. So maybe there is some dirt in the crevices and stains from years of wear and tear, but it is still nice. Whatever I do not need to listen to this man and his fashion sense.

"Aye aye Captain," I salute him.

His eyes twist in annoyance, but a customer calls him and he turns strolling in the direction forgetting about me at once.

"He doesn't seem to like you," Beth whispers.

"That will change," I say as I study him approaching a table .

"Whatever you say Claire," she responds in a singsong voice. "Anyhoo, what is he like up-close? Is his mouth look as soft as buns out of the oven? Oooh! Is his eyes green or blue, nobody was ever able to tell me. What about his..."

I cut off her rambling, "If you so badly want to know why don't I shove you as you did to me. And then you'll be forced to talk to him," I retort.

"You wouldn't do that, you're too nice," she says smugly.

"I am not too nice," I huff glaring at her.

"To your friends you are," she answers giving me a cheeky grin. I grumble in protest.

"Oh! Let's get back before my father finds out I snuck out," she says her eyes wide at the realization.

I shake my head at her forgetfulness and she grabs my arm as we wander back out of the lively tavern in a hurry.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2020 ⏰

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