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I stop until I am several feet away from him. Up close, he is even more unnerving. His eyes are dark like that of a blue flame scorching my insides. His lace collar covers his neck the black coat woven with gold strands. I never seen such beautiful extravagant clothing. I shove my hands to my side to avoid appearing nervous avoiding the urge to wipe them on the bottoms of my wool skirt.

"Good evening sir, I wanted to come over to say I'm very sorry for breaking that glass. I tripped into him and caused a stir that was completely accidental on my part."

He stares at me unwaveringly. I silently gulp from his intensity.

I continue, "Well actually I was going to come over here anyway, but then that happened and then I had to come over to apologize," I start blabbing.

I sneak a look at him but cannot decipher his expression. I wait for him to respond but he does not say a word and my anxiety skyrockets.

"I, um..." I shake my head now irritated at his behavior and take a step closer. "Mr. Salvatorn, did you hear what I just said? Or are you blatantly ignoring me?" I raise my voice forcefully to demand his attention. I will not allow him make me feel uncomfortable as every other man tries so hard to do. That statement stirs a reaction out of him, his left black eyebrow raising at my brashness.

"Ignoring you?" his voice is deeper than I expected, but soft. It is relaxed tone, but cut-and-dry like he has practiced this very conversation before.

"Yes and by your response now it seems you were," I huff more irritated crossing my arms across my cotton shift top.

"You broke several glassware in my tavern and then come over and disrupt my drink. Why would I even bother to speak to you?" He does not raise his tone, but he doesn't need to, the coldness coming from him still steeps into my veins.

I stare back, "A decent human politeness? I apologized," I answer growing more riled up despite my discomfort towards him.

"So it seems," he retorts callously.

I now realize why he has no friends in town, he is a total scoundrel. I take a deep breath and gather my thoughts, I came here on a mission and I will finish it.

I switch my tactics. "This is a nice tavern you have," I state dully. I realize I have absolutely nothing to discuss with this man who is provoking and overall displeasing.

He does not respond, but I am not backing down so I slide into the stool next to him. His eyes flicker over to me but still he says nothing. I drum my fingers against the counter plotting my next move. He takes a long sip of his drink, but does not leave his spot next to me which I take as a somewhat positive sign.

"Is that whiskey?" I ask peering at him.

He pauses for a moment but mutters "Yea"

I turn my whole body in his direction and beam up at him happy he responded and he freezes his glass hovering in the air.

"If you have not noticed, I was sitting alone and it should remain that way, scurry along. I have no desire to be bothered by strumpets."

My mouth nearly drops. "Oh, no no. No!" I shake my head vehemently.

"That is not... I am here in regards to my father. I need to ask for a loan," I say directly.

He doesn't even blink, but his face darkens.

"You see my father..."

"No" his voice ice cold.

"No?" I utter dumbfounded.

"No. I will not give you a loan," he repeats.

My heart sinks. "You won't even allow me to offer a plea," my voice breaking.

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