Chapter 5: School

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I sit awkwardly across from the boy with blue eyes on the bus after he greets me. "Day" apparently was his name. Why Day?

I automatically begin to take notes of my surroundings. (faux leather seats, bus going at about 30mph, about 45 kids on the bus, 30 foot long bus, 8 exits...)

"So, where'd you move from?" Day asks, interrupting my thoughts.

"Uh... I've always lived here," I say.

"Oh, so I'm assuming you've been homeschooled, right? "

"Um.. Yeah,"


I nod awkwardly and turn my head away, hoping he'll ignore me, but as I turn to face the opposite direction, I feel his eyes staring at me. There's something about him I can't quite place a finger on. Something about the way he talks and looks at me.

14 minutes later, the bus arrives at school. Before I can stand up from my seat, people are already shoving past me, leaving me waiting for half the bus to get out.

By the time everyone has barged past me, only Day and I are left in the back. I nod politely, gesturing for him to walk first, but he insists for me to lead the way.
I quickly enter the school and follow everyone else into what seems to be the gym.

The gym (100' by 60', height of 110', cement walls with slits to prevent echoes and laminated wood flooring, clearly been used for several years) holds around 400 students currently. There are clearly several groups seated in different areas. It's easy to tell which groups are which (athletic-jerseys and sports gear, nerds-books, etc.) with some in between groups. But the question is, where do I belong?

June and Day: Sophomore YearWhere stories live. Discover now