Years After

710 14 2

"Bye Sensei!" said the last one out of 28 students as it was the end of the day, a fullfilling one at that.

Nagisa slumped down his chair, it was a long day at school as he made sure that his students understands all that is there to know for their upcoming exam

Though tired Nagisa felt satisfaction in being a teacher, sure he was left drained every time but at the end of the day it's the warm feeling of leaving something useful for his students and the bond that they shared

just like Koro-sensei

Nagisa smiled as he stood up collecting his stuff and left

"Tadaima!" Nagisa shouted smiling as he sniffed something delicious 'curry'

He left his stuff on the entrance as he walk on the hallway hearing someone singing

Nagisa turned around the corner and saw Akari singing and dancing a little, it seemed she doesn't even know that he was home

Nagisa carefully walk towards her intentionally not making himself noticeable as he wrapped his arms around Akari's waist and resting his head over her shoulder

Akari jumped as she tensed up ready to throw the spatula on her hand to the intruder as she felt familiar featherlight kiss on her neck making her calm down in an instant

"Nagisa!" Akari shouted as she turned around pouting with her furrowed eyebrows "I coul've thrown this spatula onto your face, stop doing that"

"I knocked but your so into cooking, sorry Akari" Nagisa sheepishly smiled resting his hands on the small back of the actress

Akari being a top actress as she is cannot contain the smile she was suppressing, she's been waiting a whole day just to see Nagisa

Good thing that she was able to go home early than Nagisa so she can cook him his favorite food

Akari smiled as she place her left hand on Nagisa's face "Okaeri Anata"

"Tadaima Anata" Nagisa said followed by sweet long kiss

"But don't do that again" Akari said after the kiss as she turned around continuing her cooking "I might mess up this curry, I wanted to perfect it for you"

"You are perfect to me though" Nagisa said untying his tie as he pick up his stuff at the entrance

Akari blush, it's been a year since they are married to each other and everytime Nagisa compliments her, it just leaves her blushing

"Hai Hai~ this is done now, let's eat now" Akari said with her remarkable energy that lifts up the mood

Nagisa helps up arranging the table as he drools over the curry as Akari placed his plate in front of him

"Itadakimasu!" Akari and Nagisa both said as they dig in, Akari watched as Nagisa's eyes brightened

"This is delicious Anata" Nagisa said trying not to choke to which Akari giggled


"Gomen, how was your day?" Nagisa asked

"It went good, the director was in a great mood today so that's why I came home earlier than you" Akari said looking down "it's been a while since I last cooked something for you so I'm glad you loved it"

Nagisa looked over Akari who was obviously a little down, he reached out his hand to hold her and gave her a reassuring smile "It's fine Akari, the fact that you got home safe is all that matters to me, just you here with me makes up my whole day" Nagisa said sincerely staring lovingly upon Akari

Akari smiled "well, it seems that you reading English poetry has it smooth side"

Nagisa blush which makes Akari laugh a little,

"So How was your day?" Akari asked

"Hmm it was tiring but I enjoy it as well. You see one of my students opened up to me and I was ecstatic" Nagisa said feeling elated then stop and looks down

"I just hope Koro-sensei could see this"

Nagisa gasp as he didn't notice that Akari was already right beside him

Akari placed her hand on Nagisa's cheek lowering herself

"I'm sure that he is and is proud of you Nagisa" Akari said smiling fondly

Nagisa placed his hand over Akari thankful for having such an amazing wife

"Arigatou Anata"

They stayed like that for a minute until Akari breaks the silence

"Hai hai~ let's wash these dishes!" Akari said full of energy

Nagisa laughed and joined Akari to wash the dishes together

'I know we can make a lot of memories like these and make this life worthwhile. Arigatou Koro-sensei, Yukimura-sensei'


A/N: What do you think?

Also, I'll upload on the other story, I'm trying to get through this writer's block by writing a short one sooo sorry mina for the long hiatus 🙏

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