The Selfish side of Nagisa

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To people Nagisa seemed to be a calm one, during life to death situation he seemed to be calm and able to assess things more clearly than others, not to mention the patience he has while teaching the delinquents at a certain school

To his friends, they all admire Nagisa for being selfless which also earned girls to have fallen to his unknown charm

But even so to his good sides, he has still lower self-esteem due to his height, not to mention that he is married to his best-friend, aka. Haruna Mase, the Japan's most renowned actress that made Nagisa to be anxious every now and then

Not that Nagisa doesn't trust Akari but the thing that he doesn't trust is Akari's co-actors that seemed to be flirting with her even when he is around

The tabloids doesn't help either when they issued that Haruna Mase divorced his husband

Presently, Nagisa is sitting at the living room reading the tabloid again that showcase Haruna Mase backstage being hugged by his co-star, wrapping his arms around her which cause a tug in his heart

If anything, the tabloid would have been burned at the intense stare of Nagisa,

He hates this feeling, Nagisa just wanted to check the news but was bombarded with the gossip section of it

Nagisa placed the tabloid unto the coffee table, feeling frustrated remembering Akari talking about not to dwell on the false news and gossips about her

"Nagisa?" Akari called out "the bathroom is ready, you can go wash now"

Nagisa released a big sigh, seeing himself as a little dumb for letting it affect him, there she is her wife, he can't let these affect him since Akari chose her after all, right?

Nagisa turned and smiled at Akari, "Arigatou Akari" and stood up

Akari smiled sweetly but deep inside she has somehow felt Nagisa was a little off so she scanned the room as Nagisa entered the bathroom

There she saw the tabloid and if her suspicion is true there should be..

She knew it, there's a picture of her and Taiga-san his co-actor hugging her at the backstage

That time they were rehearsing a scene since Taiga-san wanted to rehearse with her backstage to which Haruna was confused, they could've done that scene at the stage since they're both veterans in the industry it shouldn't be a problem

But Taiga-san insisted and she eventually agree but after one rehearse only

Now she knew why because Taiga-san wanted the paparazzi to capture this scene

Akari scoffed, she doesn't liked that actor and was dreading to finish the movie they both working on,

Akari dropped the tabloid and waited for Nagisa to be done washing up while also drying her own hair

After Nagisa went out of the bathroom, Akari called out

"Hey" Nagisa said taking a seat beside Akari with a fond smile

Akari stared at Nagisa thinking that even if plenty of Taiga-san or even top actors walk past her, she wouldn't faze and would be in love with Nagisa all over again

The one who saved her..

Akari place her hand on Nagisa's face which earned her a blush from her husband

She then let her fingertips slowly run through Nagisa's features, his brow, running her finger on the side of Nagisa's intense but warm eyes that she fell in love, his nose and his smooth lips

By this time she looked back at Nagisa's eyes that stared at her with such wanting

"What are you doing Akari?" Nagisa breathed out

"I love you Nagisa" Akari said "You don't need to be jealous about anyone, you're the only one I love"

Nagisa stared at her, surprised that she felt what he feel but then again, it's Akari Yukimura, she always knows and understand Nagisa in ways that he cannot decipher "I love you too Akari, I'm sorry that I am, I- I hate this feeling of selfishness in myself.. you're right when you said I shouldn't let this affect me, I'm sorry" Nagisa confessed

"I know but" Akari leaned in "You can be selfish with me every once in a while if you want" Akari breathed suggesting something to Nagisa's ear to which Nagisa suddenly carry her bridal style not wasting any more time

"Well then, can you call your management and tell them you won't make it tomorrow?" Nagisa said confidently heading towards their room, eliminating the restraints of his heart even for a while, wanting to be selfish with Akari just this time he wants Akari's attention to himself

"I can make adjustments in my schedule" Akari said giggling as they entered their room slamming the door behind them enjoying the rest of the night

A/N: ...

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