Chapter 6

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 After the warm feathery sensation, a five-story glass pyramid glittered into view. The purple glass glinted in the early sunlight and Jolie gazed at it in wonder. She was going to get to come here for at least the next four, and hopefully the next eight, years of her life. A giant stained-glass building wrapped around the pyramid in a U shape, creating a courtyard. 

Six glittering towers jutted out from the building, plus a seventh which Jolie assumed was for the leapmasters. The six towers were all different colors corresponding with the six Foxfire levels. Jolie looked over at the dark spire on the far left, the Level One tower. The onyx tower was almost intimidating, it was so big and she could imagine herself getting lost within the many halls.

The campus was basically a small city, between the vast stretches of purple grass stood two smaller buildings and the Elite towers. The two towers, one silver, and the other gold twisted around each other as if in a tight embrace. And then there was the large domed amphitheater, Jolie cringed at the sight of it. The Opening Ceremonies were eventful...

Jolie followed the steady stream of prodigies heading into the pyramid. All of her fellow level ones looked as nervous as she felt. The level sixes, all in their white uniforms, looked so smart and mature. Jolie could hardly believe that she could possibly become one of them. Suddenly all of their registry pendants dinged and flashed green. A tall lady with caramel hair and blue eyes leaped onto the stage.

"Welcome level one prodigies, I'm your principal, Dame Alina." she announced in her deep, soothing voice. "Foxfire is about more than just a top-notch education. It's about helping our youth find their place in this world. Discovering where they belong. And it is our goal that by the time they complete their studies, they're not only ready to handle whatever life throws at them--but to truly know who they are."

Jolie's thoughts drowned out Dame Alina's voice as the excited prodigy looked around for Brant. In the sea of black capes and uniforms, she did not see him until it was too late. Brant jumped out from behind, almost bowling her over in the process. She bumped into a red-haired girl and then apologized profusely, on both her and Brant's behalf.

"Did I scare you?" Brant asked, mischief gleaming in his eyes.

"No, you didn't even come close! And you made me bump into this nice girl over here."

"Oops, sorry." He said, hardly abashed. The girl just looked uncomfortable, as if the attention of just those two were burning into her.

"I am very sorry for this dork over here," Jolie apologized to the girl. The redhead mumbled something inaudible and then scurried away. Jolie's turquoise eyes glared back at Brant.

"Technically, you bumped into her."

"What am I going to do with you," Jolie shook her head, "And don't answer that." She added as the boy opened his mouth. 

"One day, I'll finally scare you. The crime back in the pet shop must be avenged!" His face, an expression of comical conviction.

"Wow, you're really still using that one on me. After the stunt you pulled during the Opening Ceremonies," She rolled her eyes, trying to hide a smile, "I think we're even." It was impossible to stay mad at Brant for long. Maybe it was the way his smile lit up his face or his messy hair that never seemed to cooperate-.

"So who do you have for your mentoring sessions?" He said, resting an elbow on her head. Smooth subject change, Brant.

"Um, well, I have Lady Galvin for alchemy and Sir Vertrand for elementalism." Jolie read off her schedule.

"Oh, you have Lady Galvin? My brother had her as a level three and he says she's terrible. I also heard she fails almost all of her prodigies. I hope you're one of the lucky ones."

"Thanks for the encouragement." Her words dripping with sarcasm. "That session will be fun." she deadpanned.

The principal's boring dialogue was finally over and everyone headed over to their respective towers. Jolie had been trying to listen to Dame Alina, but then someone had to distract her. From now on, she was going to be a model prodigy.

The two wandered up to the Level One wing and Jolie found her locker and licked the DNA panel. A warm battery flavor filled her mouth and she savored the comforting feeling it brought.

"Butterblasts!" A voice yelled from across the atrium. Several heads snapped over to Brant standing there sheepishly. He tended to blurt out whatever was on his mind without really thinking about it. Although to be fair, butterblasts were amazing.

She placed all her belongings in the locker and then linked arms with Brant. In this position, the height difference was very noticeable. This usually annoyed Jolie, but in the excitement and anticipation of the first day, she didn't really care. A series of chimes sounded the warning bell. 

"Come on," She started tugging him along even faster until they reached Brant's first session, Elvin History.

"Nooo, don't leave here, Jolie! I'll die of boredom without you!" He called as Jolie rushed away, hoping she wouldn't be late. "Good luck with alchemy!"

Ugh. She internally groaned. She really hoped Brant was lying about her new mentor.

Hi guys! Happy late Thanksgiving! 829 views! I'm getting about 200 views a week! (I'm planning to do a 1K special) I hope you like the story so far and stay safe! Where I live, we're starting to shut down again

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Hi guys! Happy late Thanksgiving! 829 views! I'm getting about 200 views a week! (I'm planning to do a 1K special) I hope you like the story so far and stay safe! Where I live, we're starting to shut down again. Feedback would be amazing! 

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