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The mammoths were grazing in the pastures, the verminion was finally asleep, and all was well. The gnomes were feeding Verdi, the stubborn T-Rex, reaching out their plant-like arms and throwing tangourds into her gaping jaws. In the sasquatch dens, a youngling was just born. Likewise, in the Ruewen household, a baby girl was about to be born.


"What? It's been four hours and this baby seems to be glued to the inside of you! There's gotta be some sort of elixir that'll make it go faster. Even Penny Whistle's bored." He gestured towards the ferret-like banshee in the corner. She lazily lifted her head and blinked her beady, little eyes. Subsequently, she closed her eyes and resumed her interrupted beauty sleep.

"Be glad that Penny Whistle isn't lying next to me, 'cause it sure feels like she should. Elwin, tell him to knock it off!" The irritated woman huffed.

A bespectacled figure slightly grinned and shook his head. He set down an imparter and walked up to the soon-to-be-father. Laying a hand on his shoulder, "You might want to just hold her hand and shut up for a while." He stage-whispered.

 Edaline flashed a smug smile. A wince streaked across her beautiful face and she furrowed her brow in determination. In a king-sized canopy bed, propped up against a mountain of pillows, the exhausted figure looked small in comparison. 

Elvin births weren't agonizingly painful but they did cause some very noticeable discomfort and they were hard work. It feels like you've overeaten too much spicy food and you drank a gallon of water to try to help it but now it just feels worse. Your stomach is about to burst but you can't throw up and on top of that, you're constipated. Thankfully, because of their advanced medical technology, an average birth took about three hours. Occasionally, Elwin would snap his fingers, and orbs of different colored lights would appear. Using his special glasses he would check up on Edaline all the way down to her cells.

After two more hours and several draining contractions, there was still no baby. It was now one am and the stars were shining bright above the pastures of Havenfield. In the light of the moon, two indistinct figures glimmered into being. They hurried past the sleeping T-rex, dark cloaks flowing, and entered the large mansion. The pair rushed up the flight of stairs and crept into the bedroom. Loud voices were bickering, occasionally interrupted by a grunt of effort. 

"YOU'RE EXHAUSTED?! Poor you, sitting in a chair for hours. I've been having contractions and labor twice as long as the average elf and you say that you're tired?!?"

"Well, yeah! It started at one am in the morning, now it's six thrity, and someone wouldn't let me take a nap!" An annoyed male voice retorted.

Elwin sat in the corner watching the couple squabble, slightly entertained. However, the birth was taking much longer than normal. He was starting to worry, and the stress hormones practically radiating off Edaline were not good for the baby. The physician rummaged through his inventory of salves, elixirs, and medicines. He rose and selected a small pot of Calm Balm. 

Edaline snapped her fingers and neon orange feathers rained down on Grady in all their dinosaur-y glory.

"Please don't use your abilities during labor. I want you to put all your energy into having this baby-AND no using abilities on the pregnant woman." Eyeing Grady, as he sheepishly stepped away from Edaline. "Edaline, I think you complain more than some of the prodigies at Foxfire, and that's saying something."

Ashes- Discontinued (on a differnent story @XxKEEFEKEEFEKEEFExX)Where stories live. Discover now