Chapter 15

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13th February - 1:30pm
Jake's pov

The clocked ticked to 1:30pm , everyone took their seats. First of all I walked down the side of the aisles because I didn't want to walk down the middle and make a big entrance I strolled down and arrived at the front , I was standing up there and couldn't stop smiling I was so excited and I couldn't stop shaking. The music began to play and the doors opened first down the aisle was Gina & Terry , they had big smiles on their faces and stood on either sides of me once they arrived at the front of the crowd ,  Rosa did the same walking alone like she discussed with us first then Amy's old best friend Lexi who she recently got in contact with walked with Amy's brother David and then lastly Amy's cousin walked with one of my friends from high school . After they lined up either side of me the he maid of honour who was Amy's best friend Kylie walked in and then Charles the best man made an entrance with a huge grin , he looked like he was going to faint but luckily he didn't . Amy's cute nephew Jason waddled in the door way as the ring bearer holding a pillow with the rings on of course. Then Amy's adorable niece milly strolled in the room as the flower girl , she came down with a little basket in her tiny with petals in and she threw them on the floor but not very high because she was only small and didn't have much strength in her little arms , she slowly made her way to the front and then finally came Amy with a big smile on her face looking gorgeous with her dad beside her who also had a huge smile on his face. I had a huge smile the whole time that I couldn't control , I felt my eyes tear up but u kept my tears back , Amy walked slowly and gracefully down the aisle I couldn't take my eyes off her she is my dream girl , her and her dad eventually unlinked arms and she gave her away as they say. She stepped up across to me and I held her hand , the vicar then began to speak , once he finished he looked at me.

"You have your own vows?" He asked.
"Yes" I answered. "Ames , today has been so exhausting but exciting , if someone told me on the day I won that bet that you would be my future wife I wouldn't believe them. But now I realise after all these years that was just us becoming closer and closer and thats the reason we are here now. We have had so many amazing memories together and I wouldn't want to share them with anyone else but you , I love you and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you".

Amy then began "Jake I love you too and we have been planning this wedding for months and now that we are here in the moment it doesn't seem real at all , you make everyday worth living , you have shown me that you only live once so live life to the fullest. You are the funniest , goofiest and most charming man I have met you and I'm so lucky to be marrying you".

I wiped my tears and so did Amy, then the vicar proceeded to say "Who has the rings?"

"I do!" Jason cutely says making everyone laugh.

He hands them to us with a big joyful smile on his face and we both take one each carefully off the pillow and held them in our hands.

"Do you Amy Santiago take Jake Peralta to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The vicar asks.
"I do" She answered as I placed the ring on her finger.
The vicar then turns to me "Do you Jake Peralta take Amy Santiago to be your lawfully wedded wife?"
"I do" I reply and Amy placed the ring on my finger.
"You may kiss the bride" The vicar smiles.

I kiss Amy and it was incredible I couldn't believe I was now married , it didn't seem real to me but it most certainly was real and I couldn't wait for our honeymoon. We left the wedding decided to go to Shaws because we didn't want to go to a fancy place we wanted to go somewhere that had a lot of meaning to us with many memories there. We had a drink and made toasts , Charles was very drunk and Captain Holt was surprisingly but luckily Kevin was there to look after him and Genevieve was there to look after Charles because he was about to pass out. We forgot about our parents and what happened the first time they met , they were drunk once again , we were just talking to our friends and family but then everyone was distracted by our dad's arguing with our mom's trying to stop them , I went over there and told them to stop or they can leave obviously I wasn't being serious but it made them shut up so it worked I guess. Me and Amy danced and everyone joined in until it got late so after many drinks , dances and memories shared everyone headed home. Luckily Kevin isn't much of a drinker so he kindly took us home with Holt which was very kind of him to do so , once we arrived at the hotel we decided to stay at Amy was much more drunk than me so I said thanks to Kevin and helped Amy out of the car and we slowly strutted into the building and into the elevator because I had already got us checked in and got Charles to take some clothes up for us.

"I love you Jake" Amy slurred her words.
"I love you too Ames" I replied.
"I'm tired Jake" She told me.
"I know we will get changed and go to bed" I laughed.
"Great" She said while slowly closing her eyes.

We arrived at our room and I grabbed the keycard and got us in the room , Amy was so exhausted so I helped her get changed and into bed. The room was so luxurious and there was a giant tv , I turned it on and decided to watch family guy because that show was beginning to grow on me and it is now one of my favourite shows. I looked over at Amy and she was fast asleep already , I was laying next to her playing with her soft loose curly hair.

"I love you Ames , have a good night sleep" I whispered while kissing her on the forehead.

I watched family guy for a little longer and slowly drifted off to sleep as the bed was so comfy and warm.

This one is kinda and took very long to write so i hope you enjoy! I am pre-writing this rn because i can't sleep but i prefer doing this because i have more time to do things then so thanks for reading! :)

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