Week 1: S1 E1

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S1 E1: 

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S1 E1: 

The queens perform a photoshoot, using the pit crew as their props. Along with the photoshoot, they werk the runway in the category: "Mean Green". Their looks AND their photoshoots will determine their placements.

Barbie slayed the photoshoot and runway, resulting in her win. Jen. Lopez showed her body oddy oddy in her photoshoot, but her look on the runway was iconic, but needed an extra something. Prince Eric did well in the photoshoot, and the runway was a good look. Ezra Miller focused more on himself during the photoshoot, rather than adding the pit-crew member in. And his look was very basic and boring. Marti G. C. did horrible on the photoshoot and the runway was not on theme. Same with Lady Bunny.

Marti and Lady Bunny lipsynced to Disturbia by Beyonce. Marti G. C. turned out the lipsync and Lady Bunny didn't give much energy, resulting in her elimination.

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