A word of advice

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Just when the sky turned orange and pink, Ishida was hurrying off to see Nishimiya. He asked her what he should say to Shimada. Her reply was beautiful but not quite helpful that is because she signed, "You  will get to know what to say once you see him." He thanked her and went.

'Now what?', he thought. 'Maybe, Nagatsuka will give me some good lines to say.'

At Nagatsuka's place, the ALMOST same thing happened. He said-

"If you really want to become friends with him, then you must say 'Thank you' at first for saving you life."

"Then? What should I say so as to make friends with him?"

"Say what your heart tells you, Yasho."

"Ohk, th- thanks."

Ishida had already thought that he would say thank you first.

'Should I ask mom about this?', he wondered. At last, he took up a decision that he would ask all his best known people.



"I can't tell you what to say but you won't come back home without saying anything. And one more thing, I am always here for you so, you must tell me how it went. Ok?"

He nodded.



"So, you are really going to meet him?"

"Um..yes, but can you tell what I should say?"

"Whatever you want."



"If I were you, I would have never met such a jerk again. Now that you are going to meet him, jest tell him that if he were ever to hurt you, then that won't be good for him"



He never got a satisfying reply. So, he just did the last thing he could do:

 He sent a message to Shimada to meet him tomorrow night at the bridge. 

Now, he could do nothing but to wait and think what he was going to say.


The next part will be the most exciting. I will update it in a week or two, again.

I hope you all like it.

Kazuki Shimada x Shoya IshidaWhere stories live. Discover now