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The students were still just starting there as their home room teacher went and confronted the villains, some were scared, others were contemplating about if they should go down and help ans as for our protagonist he was coming up with a strategy since he new that a fight was inevitable. Especially since he already knew who was attacking them. As he was thinking out of the purple portal came a guy with light blue hair, wearing a black t-shirt and black pants and covered in hands and a guy made purple mist. To only izuku's knowledge it was exactly who he thought it was, Tomura Shigaraki & Kurogiri but that wasn't all along side them was what looked to be some sort of genetic bird monster.

Tomura: hmm what the? Kurogiri it doesn't look like AM is here.

Kurogiri: yes your right I wonder why? But take a look Shigaraki our other target is right up there.

As the students and teachers stood still near the main entrance some were wondering why the amegy alarm wasn't going off, to which not even the sensei 's had the answer to. Just then the Male Todoroki spoke up with a theory.

Shoto: isn't the entire campus under attack? Or is this their only target? Either way, if the alarm system isn't working then one of these villains must have a quirk that's masked their presence. They carefully chose this isolated facility as an entry point at this time when a class was being taught. They're fools for trespassing here, but they've thought this out. Whatever their plan, they must have a certain objective in mind.

As some of the students gasped at the realization Aizawa had an order of all of them and the space hero.

Aizawa: thirteen, you get the kids out of here. I have a feeling that they might have jammed the regular communications too, so Kaminari try using your quirk to contact the school.

Kaminari: Y-yes sir.

Shota was about to made his way towards the first sworm of villains, but before he could izuku tried to convince him to change his mind of facing them alone.

Izuku: are you out of your mind? You can't fight them on your own. Even if you can nullify their quirks, your fighting styles not suited for this. Their numbers will surely over come you.

Shota: you can't be a pro if you have only one trick.

Then mr. Aizawa takes a big jump down and begins fighting off the villains while canceling out their quirks.

Izuku: IDIOT! Even if he can hold some of them off he won't last long.
Hey all of you guards up where about to have company. Also I have an order for all of you...if you want to stay alive... get as far away from me as possible.

Momo: what are you talking about??

Just then Kurogiri appeared before the students.

Kurogiri: there's no escape for you. It's a pleasure to meet you. We are the league of villains. I know it's impolite but we decided to invite ourselves in. We are here to make sure the symbol of peace takes his last breath and also to capture you.
Izuku yagi.

Izuku: danm you!

Once the villain had finished speaking almost everyone was at a lost for words. Not only were they still in shock by being invaded by villains but now to hear that day came to kill the number one pro hero and to top it all off they also new and came to capture their class rep. As for izuku he was in a tough spot not only is this past coming back to haunt him in front of his new classmates but also now they keow what his old name was and that he in his useless sister are related. But beyond that at this point it's possible they're gonna want answers about how these villains know him and that was something he wanted to avoid at all costs. The only other ones who weren't surprised were his sister and former childhood friends since they knew already about his encounter with them 3 years ago. However only izumi knew the real truth and why they probably want to capture him now. She was also trying to figure out what to do since they threatened to kill her father and to take her brother away again after he had finally came back but couldn't figure anything out. Izuku wasn't doing any better, he could easily use his chi to keep him at bay. But his master wornd him about using it against non chi users since it was easier to kill people with chi even if you aren't a complete master of it. And in this case he was pissed that one of his biggest secrets was just exposed and he wasn't confident that he could control himself enough to use his aura without crossing the line and would go against his beliefs on heroism. Just then bakugo and kirishima charged at the mist villain. As a big explosion that was caused by bakugo covered the walkway with smoke.

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