Light and Dark reunited and a New Path reveals itself

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It was dark and quiet,Izuku was floating in nothingness as if he was in a dream or more like he trapped in an endless void. But he could feel that something was in there with him, it was that presence again but it was different this time it feels as if it wad coming from inside him. Then he heard a deep low voice calling out to him
" It's time to wake up you brat"and just like that he opened his eyes. Once he did he noticed that he was surrounded by trees and wilderness, he tried to get up but was still feeling pain from All Mights attack and could tell that almost all of his ribs were broken. However he then started to feel a burning sensation inside him, it felt as though a blazing Inferno was burning him from the inside out, after about 30 seconds the burning stoped and then Izuku noticed something completely unordinary, he was completely healed.

Izuku: W-what just happened...and where am i??

He soon stared walking and checking his surroundings though it was too dark to make out anything, no matter which way he turned he couldn't seem to find the smallest amount of civilization it was only Forest. It had been about an hour and izuku still was wandering aimlessly,but soon enough he started since something or rather two something's. He couldn't understand it but it was as if he was able to feel that they were people heading his way but that wasn't all, he was getting two different feelings from them,the first one he could clearly feel his emotions which was nothing but fear and malice. The other one however was different it wasn't a emotions he was sensing, more like strange but also massive power not unlike how the power he felt back at the villain's Lair was, it was warm almost welcoming. Then all of a sudden what appeared to be a sword made of light that pierced a tree only 5 feet from him, he soon hid behind a another tree to not get caught in the crossfire. Soon after he was able to see a man running in he's direction and was soon stopped by another light sword that almost hit him, then the source of those sorts appeared. It looked to be a woman about six and a half feet tall wearing what looked to be a hero costume with long black hair, a katana in her hand and covered in light, light so bright that it lit up the entirety of where they were izuku new from that point that she was the source of that power he was feeling.

???: You've got no where left to run now come quietly.

Villain: Im not going down that easley.

Izuku was doing his best to keep quiet as he watched what was happening, it appeared that the woman shrouded in light seem to be chasing down Criminal all the way into the woods. However he accidentally stepped on a tree branch behind him which was loud enough for the two he was hiding from to turn their heads, they both saw him and looked confused as to why a kid was doing here in the middle of a forest this late at night. However the man Intuit saw this seem to have saw this as an opportunity to get away by taking a hostage, he quickly ran up to the boy grabbing him in a choke hold with left arm as he used his other arm and started to form fire from his fist.


???: [damn it this isn't good].

Izuku: [choking]

Villain: Just Stay shut kid your my ticket out of this..

He soon began to feel dizzy from the lack of oxygen, he thought for sure that he was going to be strangled to death that was until he heard that voice again." If you don't want to die kid the use my power". And it was as if a switch had had turnd on inside izuku and then green and black lightning sparked around him, the man began to feel as though he was being drained of his strength and soon let go. Izuku landed on the ground panting heavily and felt as though he was about to pass out not knowing what it is he just done.

Villain:what the hell was that i..wait...

???:what did that kid just do?

Villain:m-my quirk i can't feel it...YOU DANM BRAT WHAT DID YOU DO?!

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