Chapter Four

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OK so some people would think that this chapter isn't realistic as this isn't the way a person that just found out is dead would act. But some people with Cotard's Syndrome actually do act as if it's an ordinary everyday thing. I put a link. It's not the best but it's some short scenes from Scrubs with a paciant with Cotard's so...


Chapter Four: The Evening


"Your not gonna cry or anything?" I said staring at Michael. "I'm dead and you don't give two hoots?"

Michael was sitting at the other end of the table. He smiled at me, trying to give me some positive reinforcement.

"Don't you try and puppy dog me!" I said scornfully. My mind started racing. Then from behind me I heard the door opening.

"James sweetie." I turned to see a face I knew very well.


My mum was standing by the door. She looked rather pale and scared. I stood up, surprised to hear the chair scraping on the floor, instead of me just going straight through it.

"You can see me?" I asked.

"James," she started, "I know this may come as a shock to you, but you're not dead." I walked over to my mother.

"I know you don't want to accept that, but mum you have to face that I am dead. If you go back into my room you'll find my dead body. I know when I'm dead OK."

But mum took my hand. "If you were dead, could I hold your hand James?"

"Stop babying him Rachel, you know that he can't help it."

"HEY," I shouted. "Don't talk about me like that, I can still here you! I may be dead but I'm not gone!" I pulled away from mum. "Just for that, consider yourself haunted." I waltzed over to Michael and started waving my hands around him. "Woooooooo. Wooooo."

"James, knock it off," he siad, sternly.

God, what is with this guy? He's an absolute douche-bag. "Hello, you're being haunted try to give it some realisticism. WOOOOOOOO!" I stopped and stood there for a while. "Hey, do you think we could get some money outta this. We call in Ghost busters or most haunted or sommet?"

"How James, how would that work?" Michael said, rolling his eyes, rubbing his temples. "That's it, he's finally lost it. He really must have overdone himself this time."

"Hey, I'm not off it! I've got a good idea. I could pretend to be a poltergeist and throw things and stuff and you guys can make money off of it!" I walked rounded the room even putting a skip in my step. Who could have thought being dead would be this much fun? "We could all live like kings. All like lardy-da-de-da." I stopped, mum was looking at me really weird like. She glanced over at Michael.

"Rest now Jamie," mum said softly. "You've had a full on day, but first, can you take this for me?" Mum brought her hand out from her pocket and produced a red pill.

"What? And how do you expect a dead person to eat?"

"Can you just try Jamie? Just try real hard. Pretend it's a special sweet only Ghosts can eat."

"Oh fine! If it means that much to you!" I took it and swallowed it whole without water. "Happy now!"

"Content," mum said, smiling weakly.

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