chapter 24

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In back of my mind I hope this plan Jim has works out. We all know what happened to Chanel in the past. I personally don't want nothing happen to my little niece or nephew.

Dustin: Well since you already know all the dance you can sit out of today practice. I really want you to rest.

Kelly: Please and don't fight with him on this one.

Stacy: Chanel I see the face your making

Chanel: Only because you asked nicely and I'm hungry anyway

She can never resist food at any given moment. The girl can eat just as much as Dustin can.

Bryan:Save some food for us

Chanel: Really nigga

Dustin: haha go eat

Kelly: (whispers in Chanel ear ) Hide some brownies tho because  Cj be eaten them all.

Bryan: what he said

Stacy: You suck at whispering but what he said

We all giggle and start practicing I feel like it was intense even though it was just dancing without singing. Now we have to add in the singing with the dancing.


Pov: Stacy

I'm so happy practice is over I'm so hungry. It's good thing Chanel hid me some food. I love her she always look out for me.

Chanel: Here I save you last of Chinese food and some sushi.

Stacy: thanks.

Chanel: your welcome oow

Stacy: what are you okay

Chanel: I felt it move it still moving

I put my hand on her little belly and baby was moving

Stacy: aww hi in there your a little active thing

Dustin: what are you doing

Chanel: the baby moving feel it

Dustin face brighten up as he felt there lil bundle of joy move. Meanwhile I go see what my baby up to.

Stacy: Hey you wanna go shower

Kelly: You wanna give me a bath

Stacy:Sure why not it should be fun

Kelly: hmm entertain me why don't you

Stacy: Your so naughty

Kelly: you love it
Pov: Dustin

It's weird I'm on tour and my girls is with me. We stayed behind in the dance studio so she could go over the dance. I watched her as she got in her zone. You can tell how well she knew the dance without even practicing it all day like the rest of of us. She had passion in her eyes. I joined her our body moved nicely together it felt right. I touched her belly as she got closer to me. She looked me in the my eyes and smiled and gave me a kiss. And kept on dancing her movement were soft and not to fast not to slow. It was like if her body made love to the beat of the music. I saw joy in her eyes has she started to dance like I wasn't there anymore. I knew right then and there dance was her first love and not me.

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