Our First Arguement ~17~

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It's February 12. The Quidditch season has been going well and is almost over. Two games left (including Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw) and so far we've won against Slytherin and Hufflepuff.

Obviously, Valentine's Day is coming up in two days and Ron still hasn't made any plans with me. I don't even think he's gotten me anything. This will be our first Valentine's Day together and it's already going to shit.

I threw hints at him every once in awhile once mid January came around but nothing. I was starting to get a bit annoyed. Valentine's Day was supposed to be a day we celebrate love, and it was almost like Ron wasn't trying.

If we're being honest, since we got back from Christmas Break he's been a bit off. He isn't as affectionate, gets irritated with me easily, and doesn't seem to want to spend as much time with me. I've wanted to talk to him but I'm scared he's just going to get mad at me.

This behavior isn't like Ron. It never was. Even when we weren't a couple. But anyways, I've decided today is the day I will talk to him.

I hadn't seen him all morning, but it was time for lunch and I was determined to find him. Of course he was seated at the Gryffindor table shoving his food in his face. I made my way over and sat down, setting my arm on his shoulder and shooting him a small smile when he looked at me.


Nothing at all.

He didn't smile back. Didn't say hey. He didn't even touch me.

Lunch was half way over and I couldn't stand it anymore.

"Ron I need to speak to you... Now."

Harry and Hermione paused their conversation to give me concerned but knowing looks. I had talked to them about the situation wondering if Harry knew anything, but he didn't; and Hermione hadn't even been paying much attention to him to notice his change in behavior.

Again, he said nothing. He just looked at me and nodded as I got up from the table. I was irritated enough that I didn't wait for him. I just kept walking knowing he'd follow me. I didn't turn around to check though.

As I thought, he had been following me. I finally came to a stop at the top of the Astronomy Tower and turned around to see him right behind me.

"What's up?" He said is the most casual way I think I've ever heard. He didn't even seem to care or be slightly worried about why I looked so angry and talked to him so sternly in the Great Hall.

"What's up? That's all you have to say Ronald?" - "Woah, Ronald? Since when do you call me that?" - "Since you started being a dick!"

I just wanted to talk. I didn't plan on yelling. I didn't plan on arguing. I didn't plan on being mean. I just wanted to talk. But I just couldn't put my anger aside and act like I wasn't bothered... because I most definitely was; and he needed to know that.

"Harsh... What's your problem?" - "Oh, you have to be kidding. You are my problem. What has been up with you?" - "I don't know what you're talking about Y/n. You need to chill out."


"Chill out?! CHILL OUT! What the bloody hell are you playing at huh? Are you just trying to get under my skin?" - "Lower your voice... What are you even talking about?" - "I'm talking about the fact that you've been distant! You stopped talking to me all the time. You stopped holding my hand. Putting your arm around me. You haven't kissed me in two weeks! You don't sit next to me in classes. You barely even look at me anymore since we've gotten back from break. IT'S LIKE YOU JUST FORGOT WE WERE EVEN DATING AFTER WE LEFT BEFORE CHRISTMAS!! Did you even miss me? I mean come on Ronald. You mean to tell me that you didn't realize you stopped treating me like your girlfriend? You didn't realize you stopped telling me you love me?!"

I couldn't stop myself. I wanted to stop yelling. I wanted to throw myself at him into a big hug at how sad he looked hearing me raise my voice at him. But I was just so angry and tired of how I've been feeling for the past month and a half. I needed to let it out. Maybe this wasn't the best way, but once I started I couldn't stop.

It was silent.


Ron stared at me in disbelief and I don't think I've ever seen him so sad. I felt horrible.

I stared back. Still looking angry as he didn't say anything to me.

"Why? Ron, why? What happened? Why did you stop loving me? When did you stop loving me? Or did you even love me at all?"

I felt tears surface to my eyes and my vision went blurry. I blinked them away as they slid down my cheek. I was wrong to think it was just a few tears, because they just kept streaming down my face as we stood looking at the other.

"Is it Hermione?" - "What?! NO!" - "Oh, now you answer, and get all defensive."

"Y/n I-", I cut him off.

"No. You know what, I'm sorry. I have to go."

And with that, I walked off to the Gryffindor tower where I sat in my bed and I stayed there since it was a free day. I didn't get the answers I had asked for. That didn't go as planned at all. But I couldn't handle it anymore and I needed to get out of there.

I wonder what Ron is thinking and feeling. I wonder if he really does like Hermione like I had thought for all those years. I wonder how things could have went. Most importantly, I wonder the same things that led me to have that 'conversation' with him in the first place, and what the answers I didn't get were.

Proof Read/Edited ~ feb. 08, 2021

Word Count ~ (1019)

(a/n) - uhhhhh hi? :)) Sorry for any grammar/spelling issues. I didn't feel like going back and double checking this one. I'll do it another time. Already started on the next chapter ;) maybe it'll be up tonight!

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