Christmas Break ~10~

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The next week and a half went by just as it usually does before Christmas. Slowly. Even though mine and my friends break already started. We were all so excited for Christmas. Presents are always nice, but we loved the holiday for the early morning, heavy snow fall, and spending time with each other and family. This year definitely was going to be a little different for me though.. Considering both of my parents were gone. But I couldn't be happier to be with the Weasleys and my other friends, most importantly Ron.

Mine and Ron's families always spent the holidays together but our situation was different this year considering our romantic relationship.

Anyways, it was finally Christmas morning. The air was cold, but the bed I was laying in was warm. The snow fell peacefully to the ground. The atmosphere was absolutely perfect to be sleeping in, until...

"Wake up wake up wake up!!" Ginny was yelling from outside the bedroom, knocking as loud as she could. I rolled over to face Ron who smiled at me. We both giggled at his sisters obnoxiousness, got out of bed and made our way down the stairs.

The decorated tree in the living room was beautiful. The presents piled up around it.

"Finally you two are up." Molly was looking at Ron and I with a little bit of a grin. Everyone laughed and we sat down on the floor against one of the sofas.

"Okay, everyone is going to open their gift from me and Mr. Weasley first." Mrs. Weasley started grabbing packages from under the tree and handing one to each person. We all knew they'd be a knitted sweater with our first initial on the front, same as every year, but we were all fairly excited. Except for Ron of course, he loves his mother but he HATES the color maroon, which is the color of his sweater. Every. Single. Year.

"Thank you Mrs. Weasley, I love it as always." She gave me a smile and a short side hug.

Next, everyone just sort of opened the rest of their gifts. Giving each other hugs and thank yous. This year I decided to get Ron a nice, fancy watch. My family didn't have much money of course, like his, but I had been saving up just enough for it.

Ron had gotten me a beautiful gold ring that had a ruby in it that matched the locket he had given me for our first ever 'anniversary'. I began to tear up at the sight of it and as I blinked a tear ran down my cheek.

Ron wiped it away and lifted my chin up with his finger. I smiled at him and gave him the ring to put on my finger. I held up my right hand of course but he put my hand down and picked up my left.

"This is much more than just any ring, my love. It's a promise ring. I know we haven't been together that long but it's been a long time coming and I love you with all I have."

I started to cry even more now at how sweet this boy was and how amazing he treated me. I had been in a few relationships in the past but nothing ever felt like this, maybe because of my feelings for Ron that I was unaware I had at the time.

"Ron thank you so much, I love you too. And I don't want you to go anywhere.. ever."

I quickly threw myself at him, arms around his neck, and he held me tight. He always made me feel safe and at home. And happy. Even now. Even during this rough patch in my life. With him, I was happy.

Everyone finished opening their gifts as Mrs. Weasley made breakfast. When we all sat down at the table, conversations varied. Some about the muggle world (Arthur of course), some about quidditch, and some even about school (take a guess at who started that one.)

All I did was listen. I hadn't talked much. It was amazing being with the Weasleys, but it felt off without my mom and dad.

I felt someone grab my hand under the table where it rested on my knee. "Are you feeling okay?" Ron whispered to me.

"I'm alright. Everything just feels so different without mom and dad. I don't think I'll ever get used to holidays without them Ron... Ever."

"Y/n, you are the strongest person I know. It may be hard, but you'll get through this. I know you will. And if you ever feel like you can't, remember that you're not alone. I will always be here for you, and so will everyone else."

I removed my gaze from my plate of food to his face, looking into his eyes. I raised my hand to his cheek. "I can't thank you enough for being you Ronald Weasley. I love you."

"I love you, y/n. Never forget it." He landed a kiss on my forehead and I removed my hand from his cheek back to my fork to finish eating. We only then realized how quiet the people around us were.

They had been listening the whole time. So we thought, until we looked up at everyone and realized they had been staring at the door that led to the kitchen. Me and Ron looked that way to see what everyone was looking at.

"It's nice to know that you guys are finally together. It's been way too long. And thank you, Ron, for being there for my daughter and keeping her safe."

It was my mother. My mother was here, standing in the Weasleys kitchen. Unlike everyone else whose attention was on her, she HAD been listening to mine and Ron's conversation.

"Mom-!" I leaped up from my chair as fast as I could and ran into her arms. I couldn't help but breakdown as she held me. I had missed her.

"Where have you been?" I sighed into her shoulder. "Do you know about dad?"

"Yes, I know about your father. I'm so sorry you had to find out the way you did, and I apologize Harry you had to see that." my mother said as she looked up at Harry still sitting at the table.

"As far as where I've been goes, I can't tell you. Not yet. But it's for your safety that I don't so please don't be angry with me."

"As long as you promise to tell me eventually, since you're back, and safe, it's doesn't matter. And I'm not angry with you." I told my mother as she looked at me and wiped the tears from my cheeks.

Proof Read/Edited ~ jan. 11, 2021

Word Count ~ (1125)

(a/n) - wow it's been too long since I've published an update. I apologize for it taking so long. School and possibly reading other fan fictions has been taking up most of my time, lol. But I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I'll start updating more frequently again. xx

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