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You enter the class with mina and look at your class mates

Y/n thoughts: hmm, green hair,glasses, wait... who is he?

You survey around the room to see if anybody was attractive or at least interesting. Everyone looked normal except for a man with 8 arms and a midget. Until you saw him

Y/n: hey mina, do you know who that white and red hair man is?

Mina: i don't think so...why... DO YOU LIKE HIM?

Mina's thoughts: OMG, I SHIP IT

Y/n: i haven't met him yet... he just looks pretty, thats all

Mina: mmm...ok well, if you want i can be a cupid in disguise

Y/n: thanks i guess

Both of you find a seat and sit down. You " coincidentally" sit next to the multi colored man.

*y/n faces the man*

Y/n: hi, my name is y/n, ill be your class mate

Y/n thoughts: okok, good intro

???: hello, my name is shoto todoroki, i will also be your classmate

Y/n: i like his voice

Y/n: is it ok if i ask what your quirk is?

Shoto: i can use fire on my left and ice on my right

Y/n: wooaah, thats so cool

Shoto: you think so?

Y/n: of course, you must be strong

Shoto looks at you and smiles. The light from the sun shines bright upon him. The sun hits his silky hair and shows a flare. Your heart starts to beat faster and your chest becomes warm.

Y/n:*blushing* y-yeah

You look away but shoto still stares at you, admiring your soft skin. Mina notices the whole thing

Mina's thoughts: y/n...i think you might like him.... at least some day


The door swings open and a shaggy figure comes through. Everyone puts their guard up and is getting prepared for a fight.

???: settle down, my name is aizawa but you might know me as eraser head

Aizawa: i will be your teacher for all of UA

A green headed curly kid starts to talk


Aizawa: enough

His hair starts to float and his eyes turn red. His scarf starts to float as-well, you could tell he went business.

Aizawa's thoughts: damn kids...

Aizawa: alright lets go outside, i have a test for the class

Everyone: YES

Everyone starts to follow aizawa sensei outside, you stick by mina because shes your only real friend, on your way to the field you get along with all the ladies.
                                  They tell you everything about themselves and start to get close to you. You don't reveal much other than the fact that you are gay. They don't see you any different and start to tell you their crushes. You were making friends fast and that was a good sign. It was nice.
                 You soon make it to the field and aizawa tell you the test.
Aizawa: alright, well do physical tests and if you are will be expelled.

Everyone gasps and gossips. You first throw a ball across the field as far as you can. You go last and catch everyone's names along with quirk, personality. The scariest was bakugo and the nicest was shoto
                                     You take a strip of emergency paper from your sleeve and attach it to the ball. You threw the ball and activated your quirk. The piece of paper tore itself into tiny pieces and made tiny wings. The ball flew outside the school and town. The other tests didn't matter since what aizawa said

Aizawa: it was all a way to see your full power, no one is getting expelled. Everyone yelled and went back to class. You weren't yelling though, you were in deep thought......about shoto

Shoto Todoroki x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now