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IF the Moon Palace concentrates more on sacred texts, sword dances, and divine rituals, and is known to have seven moons to protect themㅡ the Sun Pavilion has only one spiritual being that guide and protects, which is the biggest ball of fire in the whole realm, the Sun itself.

They are the realm of power and dominance.
For thousands of years, Apolaki has reigned over the sun by himself and performed most of the duties all alone. May it be divine prayers, divine ceremony, and even assisting mortals on their earthly war.

But bore from the eight rays, Adlaw came, bearing the same godly features and one thing is for sure, that he is a potential ruler of the Sun. Bathala introduced Adlaw to Apolaki upon the awakening of the young god from a deep slumber. Apolaki finds it odd for the ruler of the skies to suddenly bring someone to his doorsteps that he barely knew, and a sun god at that.

But Apolaki never questioned their Father's motives, he thought that Bathala might want him to do something someday with the lone sun god.

And that, he still can't figure out.

"Father left?"

Adlaw felt upset upon hearing from Malyari that Apolaki went back to the sun, for he has to attend to an important matter and didn't want to disturb his son's slumber.

"When... when will I ever get back home?" he asked, looking away. He recalled his duel with the mysterious masked man, that he assumed to be the person he didn't want to expect. It's a disgrace. Falling, tripping, or collapsingㅡ he considers these things to be failures.

"He said summer solstice, young master," Malyari smiled, arranging his meal on the table while Adlaw mentally counted the days and possibly weeks that he could be staying at the Moon Palace.

Glancing at the goddess before him, he laid back to his bed as he covered himself with his blanket.

"You are the benefactor of the eight rivers, yet you call a half-baked god as I do as a master," he said in a low tone, one that felt displeased. He knew that he isn't befitting to ascend his father's realm, yet he is the only one who can handle the power of the Solar Realm.

So, it is that obvious that he will reign next, but he felt out of place for some reason.
"There are no half-baked deities in the skies, probably the mortals are qualified for that description, but never a god," Malyari chuckled softly, she was reminded of Libulan's younger self. He, too, thought that the seven moons will never choose a god like him.

"What makes you utter such lies?"
Malyari smiled gently despite the sour tone that Adlaw emits, she knew that this young god before her never got to believe in something that would motivate him to see the world differently.

Just like Libulan.

"Our Chosen One, the one who controls the seven moons and the god that resides on the third heavensㅡ he, too, hated the fact that he will become the ruler of this realm someday," Malyari told him, sitting on the foot of his bed, back turned against the young sun god while the goddess reminisces about Libulan's old self.

"The guardian? Impossible," Adlaw scoffed, snuggling more on the pillow, not wanting to hear anymore.

"Mhm," she hummed, "believe it or not, he felt out of place, too. He thought that he may be in a world where his spiritual powers are befitting yet at the same time, he felt like these Seven moons don't deserve to have a weakling like him."

Adlaw only remained silent, but his thoughts were disarrayed and cluttered.


Libulan almost shrieked, dropping the book he was reading in the process when Adlaw quietly approached him from behind and the moon god did not even hear any footsteps, so it made him puzzled on how he didn't feel the presence of the dazzling young master of the Sun Pavilion.

The moon god sighed heavily as he patted his erratic chest after being spooked out by the sun god, but after looking back at the latter, he noticed that Adlaw was staring intently at him.

At his veil.

"N-next time, c-call my name first or
something, Adlaw. Don't go scaring gods like that," Libulan told him, puffing his cheeks as he grabbed his textbook back and forgotten what page he had stopped on reading.

"Is that supposed to protect you from specks of dust, or do you just have sensitive eyes?" Adlaw asked in a monotonous tone, sitting in front of Libulan. He decided to close his eyes for a moment, sudden exhaustion was felt, and he wondered why.

Libulan blinked, didn't get to understand what he had said. The sun god felt that Libulan didn't have the slightest idea of what he was wearing, upon seeing his reaction a while ago. It sounds so uncanny, there are so many things that the Lunar Realm are hiding from everyone. Maybe this is why other deities are trying to get their hands on the guardian of the moons.

"I was just wondering why everyone isn't wearing anything to protect their eyes when Father or I, is around. We don't emit that much heat to incinerate someone's sight," The sun god sneered, leaning on the huge trunk of the tree that they are currently resting at. Libulan got scared of him for a second, hiding half of his face on his textbook as he looked away.

He is so grouchy, Libulan thought.
"Right, let's pretend I didn't hear that," Adlaw scoffed.

Libulan's eyes widen and felt embarrassed for saying something about the young sun god of the Solar Realm. While Adlaw remained silent, resting himself, as he enjoys the tranquility that he is having right now.

Libulan, The Moon God (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now