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THE FIRST moon, the first horn, the first light.

One out of the Seven has risen from its slumber, giving enough light for the mortals at night and sufficient power for the Lunar beings, especially the one they treat most with exceptional care; their dearly beloved moon god, Libulan.

It is a symbol of the beginning for the deities that reside in the Lunar Realm since it holds great importance about their god because they will get to receive his words of affirmation.

The moon god only descends his palace once every full moon, a rare occasion for his people, that is why they are looking forward to his appearance or just his presence.

He will be preparing for the ceremony of his guardianship as well, where he will be officially the ruler of the Seven Moons.

Once a realm will be left unruled by the chosen god, another will take guardianship of the realm that has been left empty by its first guardian. He grew up as a god of the moon while preparing to be the new guardian of the Lunar Realm.

However, due to his hidden identity, many of the deities from different realms knew that the chosen guardians of the moons are mostly graceful goddesses, no god has ever been chosen to be its ruler for the longest time.

As the first horn has been blown by the moon songstress, busy as it'll ever beㅡ ancient classes and divine lecturing have been put to a halt for the unveiling of the sacred moon deity that has been chosen to harness the power of the seven powerful moons in the sky. Everyone is preparing for the upcoming day tomorrow, tending to their homes, picking the perfect regalia to wear, choosing the best moonstone that'll fit their dresses and other things that made every moon being excited for the next day to come.

All except for the one that resides inside the heavenly moon palace, far away from the eyes of other beings yet he hears all their chuckles and laughter as they talked about things outside their world and in the mortal realm. Something he never experienced ever since he started to have consciousness of the world. He has no family, he has no friends, and he has no time to waste on idle chatter.

The moon god himself.

Unable to interact with anyone else except the elder moon goddesses, Libulan is quietly reading his textbooks about divinity and ruling, with a sacred veil over his head that covers his whole face, regardless being inside his chamber or not. He has unread invitation letters collecting dust on his table since he never fancies attending overcrowded ceremonies, causing the other deities to think that he probably is, or not, only a myth created by the elder moon goddesses ever since their loss of the former guardian.

He is used to this kind of life that he has, he knows that.

Like any other day, he was only stuck sitting inside his chambers while the others can do whatever they want and be with whoever they want to be. He holds no grudge against it since he prefers it this way than getting a glimpse outside his windows.

He got used to being alone.

But sometimes, he couldn't help but be fascinated by how beautiful the moon goddesses can be whenever he would have a lecture with Mayari, the demigod who chose to be a goddess than reside in the Mortal realm, or chant classes with Malyari, the moon goddess who ruled over the eight rivers. They may not look the same but there will always be one enticing feature that makes Libulan a bit distracted sometimesㅡ their silver-white hair that reflects the moon's light at night. So, he wondered what the features of other deities and beings could be he has not seen yet if two already have piqued his interest.

"You don't want to play outside?"

The moon god abruptly stopped from turning the page of his textbook upon hearing an unfamiliar voice from his window, yet this did not falter his blank expression. He knows from Mayari that he is the only male deity that has ever been born and hearing another made him a bit anxious, yet he maintained a relaxed and calm composure.

This is not the first time he caught the strange entity by chance, he has been noticing him ever since he was raised here. At first, he was scared of being stalked around, especially during his bath hours. But as the day passed by and he started to grow into an adult, he began to see him getting closer and closer each day until this moment happened.

He finally talked to him.

Libulan did not look back, but he saw the intruder by his mirror, sitting casually as if they were friends.

"If you were a moon goddess, you know well that trespassing this place is strictly forbidden," Libulan spoke monotonously, closing his textbook and then grabbing another to read about casting spells, "but you seem confident, I guess you are not one of us."

The deity sitting by his window was amused by how calmly he handled the situation, making him want to stay more and watch Libulan do his boring life routine.

But for today, he has other plans for the moon god, even since he have been brought here as a child. This is his perfect moment to get the attention of Libulan, to finally get a hold of the dearest moon god of the Lunar Realm.

"You are smart and relaxed even. What if I planned to deprive you of life? Take away your spiritual ardor? Tear your body apart and feed them to the sea monsters below?" he chuckled, teasing the moon god who had no qualms about it and proceeded to his readings while the strange deity by the window rested his head on his arms.

"You would have done that a while ago," Libulan said with no interest, flipping the page over to read the continuation but was stopped when a tainted black hand, that has claws and scales closed the book. He gasped a bit, but he got curious about it at the same time.

What's more surprising is that the mysterious god lifted his veil a bit to whisper in his ear.

Libulan, The Moon God (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now