--Request Page--

138 3 6

The art above does not belong to me. It belongs to the beautiful creature that created such a masterpiece💕✨

RULES & STUFF (You're gonna have to read these)
-I'll write anyone from Hetalia~ (as long as it's legal)
-Unfortunately, I don't do ships or OC's. Just Reader inserts.
-Lemons and limes can be requested as well (as long as it's legal)
-Angst is allowed, I'm  s o u l e s s. But that doesn't mean I won't try :')
-Write a prompt according to the example below
-The prompt must be commented in the mail box (Anywhere else will be ignored).
-Below the mail box will tell you if requests are open or not.
-Lastly. Just remember to chill. You didn't come here to stress, right?

Ex: PopularCharacterXShyFemReader

Note:[If you'd like, under the prompt, feel free to go crazy with some details. Don't be shy, put some more].

-----Mail Box-----


*P.s I shall call you all my fries.

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