Chapter. 2: "No_Pastas_Were_Hurt_In_The_Making_Of_This_Episode."

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In case you were wondering, no. There is no arcades in the forest. The only way to go the the arcade is obviously, a nearby town and/or city. Obviously, you can't just show up there though. I mean, most of the pastas are monstrous creatures/wanted criminals. I'm not even meant to be alive, I died years ago.

But ! that doesn't mean it's impossible to go to the arcade as a monstrous creature that (probably) murders people. Something wicked cool is that we know fucking curses dude, like Harry Potter type shit. No wands though, just fancy ass words (and sometimes hand gestures.) Slender's got a shit ton of ancient-y books of curses and all types of cool shit that comes in really handy when you're in our type of situation. Slender actually used a lot of the curses during camp (as seen in the final kill streak.)

But anyways, there's a whole entire book just dedicated to disguises. Slender has told us before that the reason the book's a lot thinner than it should be and how there's no curses to transform into other people, is because those pages were stolen almost two decades ago. They haven't been missing that long, to be honest. Two decades is a pretty short period of time, but whatever. What matters is is that they're gone.

But yeah, this disguise book is pretty useful for all of us. We use it for bigger missions out in cities sometimes.

To use it, we just have to say some fancy words and then BOOM we look like normal citizens. The disguises make you look like how you would look if you were normal, and when Slender first got the book he had to alter it since the disguises would just make us look like how we used to look when we used to be human/a regular citizen (since that was the whole point of the book.) But now it works fine, it makes us look exactly how we do look like except just normal.

(Ex. Jeff without his smile, normal skin, and maybe altered distinctive features in case there's a chance of being recognized.)

Me and Jeff snag it away from Jack's room a lot to use it for arcades and stuff whenever we're bored (which is why we're going right now.)

I was thinking of going to find Credits to ask if she wanted to come with us, but there wasn't really enough time.

K, that's a lie. but the more people that come equals the bigger chance of getting sniffed out.

Me and Jeff walked through the forest to get to a trail that'd lead to the nearby city.

We had already used the book before leaving, and I had Jane's money. So really all we needed to do was walk from here and we'd be in sweet sweet gamer heaven.

We walked for awhile, talking about stupid shit that I had either little to no interest in, or would spend like 5 minutes just rambling on about. This is usually how all our walks go.

We kept walking and finally were close to the end of the trail that led into the park that separates the forest and city where we'd hopefully be able to steal a car from.

Man, I hope we don't get caught. I'm in enough trouble as it is.

We walked for about three more minutes until I started feeling like I was on something. Very slowly, I started noticing differences around me. Colours almost seemed like they were changing, and as we walked for a minute more, I could've fucking sworn on my life that I saw snow.

"Dude.. what the fuck?" I said looking around "Bro are you seeing this?"

"Seeing what?"

The differences got more and more intense and way more goddamn noticeable, but then out of nowhere it just.. stopped.

"You look like you just ate that 'cupcake-burger-surprise' Sally made last week. Are you good? You on something?" He asked hitting my back

"Ehm.. I don't think? I mean it stopped so I can't be on something but that was freaky as shit. I must've ate something bad back at the mansion." I said "but whatever, it was nothing. I'll just tell you more about it later."

"K, atleast you're out of it now, let's keep going."

"Right" I said briefly wiping the sweat off my forehead

Jesus dude..

- Jane's POV -

Thought that I had managed to stop Ben from getting my cash, but apparently I didn't. The little fucker took 50$, next time I see him he's dead.

I sighed, rolling my eyes and trying to take my mind off of it. Sure, I was pissed but I didn't want that to ruin the rest of my day.

I decided that baking something would be a good distraction, so I quit pacing around and went to the kitchen. The kitchen had a lingering smell of freshly made popcorn I saw Ann make for Sally 15 minutes ago and next to a sunny window, I could see some oddly comforting dust particles floating in the air.

Before starting, I opened the kitchen's storage closet where most of the aprons were and found my signature white apron that had 'Kiss The Cook' labeled at the front. But that isn't all that's labeled at the front, because awhile ago Jeff wrote with sharpie overtop and under the words with 'don't Kiss The Cook or she might fucking punch you'. The apron happened to be my grandmothers that I inherited when she died (I was 9.) So I was really fucking angry about it, ..until Sally thought it was kinda funny and somehow 'sweet' in a way (Though I still don't see how.) She said it was like something a brother would do, so now whenever I look at it I just remember my new family I've made here and it just makes me smile.

I put the apron on and started thinking of possible things I could make. After about 3 minutes of thinking, I decided to make a loaf of bread. Nice smells calm me, so the idea of taking in the scent of freshly baked bread sounded excellent.

Now that I knew what my plan was, I got my game face on and started going through many drawers and cupboards looking for all the things I needed.

This'll be a piece of cake!

I thought to myself happily as I started making some doe.

- Credits' POV -

I slumped on a rickety lazy-boy.


It wasn't a bad day, but still too hot for my liking. So as a result, I didn't want to go outside. I wasn't fond of getting all sweaty and gross and all my less-heat inducing clothes were still being unpacked by BEN, but come to think of it.. I haven't seen or heard BEN complaining around the mansion heaving boxes and luggage for a while now, so I guess he must've left or something.


That doesn't even matter though, doesn't help cure my boredom, that's for sure.

I kept trying thinking of different things to do that avoided going outside, but couldn't think of a single thing. Games were only really ever fun with BEN and Jeff, and Hayden is probably off roaming around the mansion with Toby.

Speaking of which, I'm really happy for her that they started dating and all, but I'm starting to miss my bestfriend. I haven't really had a chance to hangout with her at all these past couple weeks, not even at the camp-end party.


I sighed and decided to distract myself by going to fix the kitchen clock that I was asked to fix like yesterday. It wasn't really a 'cure for my boredom', but it was something to do.

As I entered the kitchen, the smell of baking bread immediately filled my lungs. It was mesmerizing.

I saw Jane sitting on a chair with an apron and a paper and pen writing down all sorts of different ingredients.

"What're you writing that for?" I asked tilting my head

"Ah, I've decided I'll be making the food tonight and I'm trying to think of what the side dishes should be." She replied, scribbling something that was written

"Damn.. that's a lot of people to feed" I half-laughed

"Yeah, that's why I'm getting started now." She said getting up and going through a cupboard, pulling out like a billion pots and pans.

"Right...... I'll leave you be then." I said somewhat impressed and backed away towards the clock

Wow, If only I had that much compassion for something like cooking.

words: 1450

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