Chapter 10

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Sorry I didn't post yesterday! After this part there will be two or three more parts, and that will be the end of the story. Enjoy and leave comments!

Thank you!!

I drew my sword, facing Shan Yu. I glared at him. He was the one who had taken Ping away from me. If he hadn't hurt him, maybe Ping would still be a boy. Maybe everything wouldn't have changed. I pushed the thought away. Ping had never been a boy in the first place. Shan Yu smiled down at me.

Suddenly, with a roar, more Hun warriors jumped out from under the costume dragon. I turned, slashing at them, but they pushed away my sword. The five Huns ran in front of me, completely ignoring my presence, except for one who shoved me to the ground. The first two ran to the doors of the palace. They each grabbed a handle.

The next two ran to the emperor. They grabbed him under the arms, and dragged him up the staircase, pulling him to the closed doors. The fifth one stood guard. He walked backwards in front of the emperor, pointing his arrows at anyone who tried to get close. The emperor was dragged into the palace, and the doors were pulled shut behind him.

When I could finally stand, I saw the emperor's hat lying abandoned on the stairs. Looking up, I saw how close the doors were to being completely shut.

"No!" I screamed. I ran up the stairs, hoping against hope to get through the door before it was completely closed.

Yao from behind me yelled "Come on!" and the soldiers followed me up the stairs.

I reached the door just as it was slammed shut. I fell, banging on the door, and collapsed to my knees. No matter how much resentment I harbored for the emperor, I could not let him die. I could not lose someone else.

Shan Yu looked down on me from his rooftop perch. He laughed evilly and disappeared from view.


When the rest of the soldiers reached me, we picked up one of the statues from beside the door to use as a battering ram. They must have bolted the door though, because we couldn't get through. I was running out of hope when I heard someone whistle behind me.

We turned around. Mulan stood 10 feet away looking excited.

"Hey guys, I have an idea!" she said, running off to the far side of the palace.

Yao, Ling, and Chien Po looked over at me. I gritted my teeth. Why would I listen to Mulan?

But her three friends all dropped the stone gargoyle and ran off to where Mulan had gone. I stared after them surprised. Conflicted. Should I follow her?

I went behind the palace. I would see what Mulan's plan was but I would not join her. When I reached the back of the palace, I had to try hard to stifle my laughter.

Yao, Ling, and Chien Po all stood in front of Mulan completely made up to look like women.

They looked surprisingly excited for three soldiers dressed in kimonos and makeup.

When they pulled the silk strings from their waists and wrapped them around the poles rimming the palace, I understood the plan and decided to join in.

With one exception. I was not wearing a dress!


I tapped Mulan softly on the shoulder, and she turned to face me. At first, she looked surprised that I was there, but when I untied my cape and threw it around the pole next to hers, she smiled. So did the other soldiers.

We scaled the poles and made it into the palace. We emerged in a small hallway just off the main foyer. Two guards stood on either side of a pair of double doors. Shan Yu's hawk stood perched on a nearby ceiling beam. I could hear Shan Yu's voice coming from the other side of the blocked doors. Mulan grabbed me by the shoulder and turned me to face her. Yao, Ling, and Chein Po had also joined the huddle.

"Ok," Mulan whispered. "Here's the plan."


When Mulan had finished explaining her plan, she peeked around the corner making sure the coast was clear. She ducked back behind the wall and turned to us.

"Ok," she whispered. "Any last minute questions?"

Yao shifted his kimono. "Does this dress make me look fat?" he hissed.

Mulan slapped him in the shoulder, and I pressed a hand over my mouth to keep from laughing.

Mulan gave a thumbs up at me, and gestured to the others. They walked out from behind the wall, giggling and waving their fans in front of their faces.

I heard the hiss of the guards. "Who's there?" A bowstring was pulled ready.

Peeking around the corner, I saw one guard push down another's sword. "Concubines," he muttered, eyebrows raised in skillfully hidden disgust.

"Ugly concubines," the other one muttered.

Mulan and company kept up their act surprisingly well.They walked in front of the guards, still giggling flirtatiously, and hiding behind their paper fans. Suddenly, a half eaten apple fell from Ling's dress. Everyone looked down at it, stunned, and Ling carefully tried to cover up his mistake by giggling louder and fanning himself.

I groaned in frustration, but kept watching as one of the guards picked up the apple and held it out, offering it to Ling.

He didn't take it. Instead, Chien Po and Yao pulled assorted fruits from their own dresses, and attacked the guards. In a whirl of fruit juice and melon rinds, the guards were soon on the ground.

"Shang! Go!" Mulan called to me.

I drew my sword and raced down the hallway, threw the doors, and up the stairs to where the emperor had been taken.

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