Chapter 9

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I was such an idiot. I should have believed the witch. I should never have let myself think, even if only for a moment, that Mulan could be someone special. I tried to stop the tears from flowing, but they fell out of my eyes, landing on the saddle of my horse.

I rode slowly, wanting more than ever to go back to a time when Mulan had just been Ping. When I still had hope to hold onto.

"I told you, didn't I?" asked a voice in my mind. It was the voice of the witch, but she wasn't really there.

I didn't say anything. I could picture the witch's annoying smirk. "I told you to never expect love, Lee Shang. I told you that you would only be disappointed. Do you know what your best bet would be?" she asked. I still didn't respond.

"Your best bet would be to just marry Mulan. At least you can picture her as a man!" The witch laughed. "You will never find love, Lee Shang.

"I do not recommend holding onto your hope." The voice disappeared. I let a sob escape my lips. The witch was right. I would never find love. I shouldn't even try.

I wiped away my tears, and looked back at my troops. They walked along slowly, sadly. The loss of Ping was weighing on us all. Well, everyone but Chi Fu. He looked smug and proud of himself, as if he had done something amazing. He saw me looking at him, and spurred his horse towards me.

"I always knew there was something wrong with that filth," Chi Fu said proudly. "Why didn't you kill her when you had the chance, captain?"

I grimaced. "She will probably die from the cold. I have assured her a slower and more painful death. That is all." I knew this was the truth, no matter how much I didn't want to believe it. I wasn't going to get Ping back.


We were greeted at the gates to the imperial city by a large procession waiting to walk us through the streets. Music played, people danced and cheered. Men walked on their hands in front of us, others banged on drums. Many others were maneuvering a large costume dragon behind us. Everyone was in good spirits. Well, everyone but us. I sat, slumped in my seat, eyes brimming with tears. Not just for Ping, but for my father. The finality of his death had finally hit me head on. He was never coming back.

Behind me, the three soldiers who had seemed closest to Ping during his time in the army stood in a line. They were all looking towards the ground. Their expressions were those of hurt, betrayal, distrust.

The rest of the army didn't look in much better spirits. They waved their flags halfheartedly. I looked down to the sheath strapped onto my horse. The sword of Shan Yu, found in the wreckage of the avalanche, was placed inside. I didn't feel like I deserved it. It should have been Ping presenting the sword. Ping with us, head held high in that expression of pride and honor that was so endearing. I gritted my teeth. Why I still found him... no, her attractive...

Suddenly, I jolted out of my thoughts by a voice.

"Shang!" I looked up. Mulan rode up to me, pulling her horse to a stop just inches from mine.

"Mulan?" I asked, surprised.

"The Huns are alive!" she said. Her eyes wide, and voice full of fear. "They're in the city!"

I looked away, eyes brimming with tears. "You don't belong here, Mulan. Go home!"

I rode past her, not daring to make eye contact. Now that she had shown up, all of my anger towards her seemed to have come back.

She spurred her horse forward, stubbornly trying to stay side by side with me. "Shang, I saw the Huns in the mountains! You have to believe me!"

My face darkened. "Why should I believe you?" I demanded.

She furrowed her eyebrows in anger and moved her horse to a stop in front of mine, blocking my way so I couldn't move.

"Why else would I come back?" she asked. "You said you trust Ping. Why is Mulan any different?"

I almost laughed aloud. Oh, if only she knew. Instead, I looked away, moving past her. This time, she didn't pursue me.


At the steps of the palace, I dismounted my horse, and climbed the stairs to a platform in the middle where we were met by the emperor. He looked older and more careworn than last time I'd seen him. Chi Fu came up next to me, handing me Shan Yu's sword. I was dimly aware of the costume dragon coming to a stop on the step below us.

A loud gong sounded, silencing the crowd below. The emperor spread his arms, and began speaking.

"My children! Heaven smiles down upon the middle kingdom! Thanks to our brave warriors, China will sleep safely tonight!" There were some cheers from the crowd below.

I took a deep breath and approached the emperor.

"You're majesty, I present to you the sword of Shan Yu." I knelt before him, holding out the sword.

He leaned down to face me. "I know how much this means to you Lee Shang. Your father would have been very proud."

I blinked the tears from my eyes and nodded my head.

As soon as the emperor reached out to take the sword, a huge hawk, Shan Yu's hawk swooped down with an earsplitting shriek and snatched the sword from my hands. I gasped in surprise as the hawk flew swiftly up to the roof of the palace which was lined with guardian statues. The hawk dropped the sword, and an arm reached up to grab it. Shan Yu, grinning evilly stood on his perch on the roof, the hawk perched on his shoulder. He was waiting for something. Something big. If only I knew what. 

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