Chapter XII

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Poe's squad roar across the sky, blasting and dodging the TIE Fighters and missiles, attacking the First Order's troops and defending each other on the surface of the snowy planet. The ships scream pass each other as they blast their enemy. Poe's fighter even nearly collides with a close passing TIE Fighter. "I got one behind me. See it?", Snap said panicky. "Yeah, I'm on it!", Jess said. Suddenly, the sound of a heavy cannon emplacement launches a missile that shreds an X-wing fighter, sending him to the ground. 

Everyone was caught of guard. "Furillo's been hit!", Jess shouted, completely terrified. "Jess, keep yourself together. He's gone but not forgotten", Snap told her as blasts from TIEs still coming at them. But before Jess could reply, blasts from down below completely distracted them. "Watch out for ground fire!", Snap warned.

Just as Han, Finn, Rey and Chewie were on their way to escape, they run into the snow and stop with their eyes on the sky, watching the loop-sided battle. The four heroes turn to each other with resolve in their eyes, a long moment of communication. Rey wanted to do something to help. They had to do something. "They're in trouble", she stated. "We can't leave now".

"Chewie here has a bag full of explosives. Let's use 'em", Han said glancing towards Chewie.

"What's the best place we could put 'em to use?", he added, now looking at Finn. If somebody knew their weak structure point, it's him. Maybe they can't fully help the air team but at least they'll make their job easier. "The oscillator is the only sensible target", Finn told them. "But there's no way to get inside, heavily guarded."

A long moment of silence pass through them. Thinking of a solution to their problem, until Rey suddenly had an idea on how they might break in. "Maybe there's a way...I think, I can hack and altered the controls on the conventional station". Everyone turn toward her, confused. Rey may have been a good combat fighter but she was no mechanic in any way. 

"Rey, are you sure? ",  Han asked. "I know it's confusing, but I've seen inside these kinds of walls before. Me and my mom would always go on scavenger hunts on Death Star's wreckage", she explained, trying to give a good enough reason that they should do it, or at least try it. "I've noticed the mechanics and instrumentation are the same as the Death Star model I've spent a few years back reading and hearing from mom and Rose about it", she added. "Get me to a conventional station, I can get us in." She pause. "I hope"

Finn was pretty much confused and doubting that Rey could actually do it. He knows he shouldn't think that way but hacking and altering First Order's defense system is a whole another level. "And you still remember every single detail from that book?", he asked,  confirming. Rey looks at him as if challenging him. "Go ahead and try me."

"Alright. Do what you can", Finn said, accepting defeat. He has to trust her. Chewie roared, telling them to hurry and so Han nods at her. "Get us in. If you can do that, we'll be ready."


Back at New Republic's Capital, Leia is still standing in front of her command panel. She saw the fall of pilots and it made her devastated. They have to complete their mission to survive.
"General, are you seeing this?", Lieutenant Connix suddenly asked in the middle of her reverie.
"Two more X-wings down. That's half our fleet destroyed", Vober Dand added. 

Leia let it all sink in after someone had spoken the fact out loud. The one thing Leia hated about leading a rebellion is to hear the fall of their pilots, fighters, and members. Too many loses, she almost couldn't take it anymore. "Let's have faith in our remaining friends. This mission is everything, we cannot fail"

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