Chapter 7

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Elijah rings the doorbell of the lockward mansion and only a few moments later Mayor lockward opens the door to greet them

"Elijah, elena, what are you dong here? what happened?" MAyor lockward asks in confusion and then her eyes land on Ophelia "and who is this?"

"Im Ophelia, pleasure to meet you" Ophelia says and sticks her hand out for the mayor to shake. The mayor immediately caught onto the strong English accent and shook her hand quickly and then pulled away

"I've had a bit of an incident carrol and i was hoping that you could help" Elijah says with a convincing smile on his face

"well I'm on my way to a meeting so-" The mayor starts but Elijah cuts her off

"it wont take but a minute of your time" Elijah says 

"and we have come all this way just to see you, its a bit rude for you to send us away when we just got here don't you think?" Ophelia asks and then steps forward and looks right into the mayors eyes, compelling her

"of course. ANything you need, how rude of me" The mayor says "come right on in"

"thank you" Ophelia and Elijah say with a grin and the three of them walk into the house 

"Well first things first, i am going to need a change of clothing" ELijah says 

"And some breath mints" Ophelia piped in, sending a large grin to the male original 

"well we could try one of my husbands suits, i haven't boxed them up yet" Carrol says and rubs her hands together, sending the two vampires a smile 

"wonderful" Elijah says and they watch as carrol walks off

"nice house" Ophelia comments as she looks around

"How did you know that she isn't on vervain?" Elena asks the girl in confusion

"I didn't" Ophelia says with a grin and shrugs her shoulders "lucky guess"

"I'm the one that got her off it. Right before you and your friends killed me" Elijah says "twice"

"which i should kill you for" Ophelia chimes in and glares at the gilber girl 

"we don't know anything about you, how do you know so much about the originals and why are you so close to Elijah and Klaus, you said that Klaus was your brother, you didn't mean by blood right, its like adoption or they found you a few years back and turned you right" Elena says

"That isn't any of your business, when i want you to know then you will know" Ophelia tells the girl and shrugs her shoulders "its not like you can compel me to tell you" she says with a smirk

Elijah, Ophelia and elena walk into the lounge room and sit down 

"so i assume that the Martin witches are no longer with us" Elijah states as he looks around the room and then back at Elena, already knowing the answer but just wanting to make sure

Ophelia didn't get the relationship between ELijah and Elena but she was trying to understand it and from what she could tell, Elijah had a thing for ELena though he knew he shouldn't act on it, she was the doppelganger and Klaus needed the doppelganger and it family always came first; always and forever. Elena trusted Elijah however did not share the feeling of attraction to Elijah that ELijah did her.

"No" elena finally replies to Elijahs question and looks down at her lap "I'm sorry"

"and Katerina" Elijah asks, hoping that the girl was still alive "she would have been released from my compulsion when i died"

"Nik took her, he is holding her hostage they think that shes dead but you and i both know that isn't true, he's got her for a reason" Ophelia says with a sigh and ELena looks at the girl with a confused expression on her face

"what makes you think that she is alive" ELena asks and Ophelia rolls her eyes and ignores the question, how many times did she need to say that she new klaus and knew what he was like

When Elena kept looking at her for an answer Ophelia let out a sigh and then decided to elaborate "that isn't Klaus' style. Death would be to easy for her after what she did"

"i don't understand" Elena says and Ophelia rolls her eyes

"of course you don't" Ophelia mumbles under her breath, she hung out with teenagers back in Beacon Hills and none of them were as annoying or stupid as the girl in front of her

"you say that you want klaus dead but you still made katherine pay for betraying him" Elena says in confusion

"I have my own reasons for wanting katerina to pay" ELijah replies with a scowl on his face and then he turns to glare at Ophelia and she rolls her eyes and looks away from him "there was a time where i would have done anything for klaus"

"yeah cause you were his little bitch" Ophelia mutters out but Elijah ignores her while ELena tries to figure out the relationship between the two, it was like they were so close yet so mad at each other 

"Care to take a walk?" Elijah asks Elena who nods her head and the three of them begin to walk outside, with Elijah in the lead 

"so as you have seen, nothing can kill an original" Elijah says and sends a quick look over at Ophelia who looked down "not sun, not fire not even a werewolf bite. ONly the wood from one tree. A tree my family made sure burned"

"that's where the white ash for the dagger comes from" Elena says in realisation

"wow, she uses her brain for once" Ophelia says with a dramatic voice 

"yes, the witches wont allow anything truly imortal to walk this earth" Elijah says "every creature needs to have a weakness in order to maintain balance"

"So the sun cant kill an original" Elena says "why is klaus so obsessed with breaking the sun and moon curse"

"right. the curse of the sun and moon" ELijah says with a chuckle and stops walking "its all so biblical sounding don't you think"

"whats so funny?" ELena asks, confused as to why ELijah and Ophelia were chuckling 


Once Elijah had finished explaining to ELena about the Aztech sketches she looked even more confused 

"i don't understand. so klaus drew the aztec sketches about the curse?" Elena asks in confusion, trying to figure everything out

"Roman scrolls, African tribal etchings and any other culture or continent that we felt like planting it in" Elijah tells the human

"but why?" Elena asks 

"jesus christ Selena its quiet obvious, the easiest way to discover the existence of the doppleganger or to get your hands on some long-lost moonstone is to have every single member of the two warring species on the lookout for it, it would get the job done much faster" Ophelia says and rolls her eyes, annoyed by the humans stupidity 

"so its not aztec at all?" Elena asks

"the curse of the sun and the moon is fake" Elijah says with a grin on his face "it doesn't exist" he says and shrugs his shoulders and the two vampires walk off

"what?" Elena asks and runs after them

"honestly love, how stupid can you be, do we really need to explain it anymore to you?" Ophelia says with a scoff

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