Chapter 3

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"So we go to the dance and find him" Damon says and walks around the room, Ophelia rolls her eyes in annoyance. ELena should have just stayed home instead of deciding to go to school, it was like she didn't even care that Klaus was out to get her but then when he says he was going to be at the dance and wanted her to save a dance for him she gets all scared and comes to the Salvatore brothers for help. If there was one thing that Ophelia was certain about, it was that she was not a fan of Elena Gilbert.

"really how are we going to do that, we don't even know what he looks like" Stefan says

"something tells me that he isn't going to be 16 and pimply" Damon says

"Actually, I know what he looks like" the boys hear the familiar English accent and Ophelia walks into the room with a giant grin on her face and the two brothers look over at her in shock

"I thought you went out to look for Klaus" Stefan asks as he looks over at the girl in confusion

"Why would I go looking for him if I don't want him to know that im here, besides he will find me pretty quickly, I wouldn't be surprised if he knows that I am here already" Ophelia says and shrugs her shoulders "going to find Klaus just sounds like a giant effort and waste of time"

"he could be anywhere at any time. He compelled somebody at the school" Stefan says to them both "this is not as safe as you guys thought huh?" Stefan says and looks over at Bonnie and Elena

"also, while im here im just gonna ask the question that has been on my mind the whole day" Ophelia says an turns to look over at Bonnie and Elena "who the hell in their right mind, chooses to willingly go to school?"

Suddenly they are interrupted by knocking on the door and Alaric walks in but as soon as his eyes land on the female vampire, his eyes widen a bit and then a smirk makes is way onto his face but he quickly stops smirking. Ophelias eyebrows furrow in confusion, she had never seen this man before but the smirk on his face was extremely familiar

"there you are" Damon says and Alaric walks over to them "Ric, this is Ophelia, Ophelia this is Alaric" 'Alaric' and Ophelia stare each other down for a moment before he reaches his hand out, she goes to shake his hand but he holds her hand and brings it to his lips to give it a kiss

Everyone stares in shock and confusion and Ophelia pulls her hand from his with a scowl on her face "sorry love, im taken"

Damon looks between the two for a moment before turning to look at Alaric "hey I need you to put me down as the chaperone at the dance tonight. Klaus made his first move, also stop acting weird"

"okay so we find them and then what hmm? what is our plan of attack?" Elena asks and none of them notice the look that Ophelia was giving Alaric, something was off about him and she knew it

"me" Bonnie says as if it were the most obvious thing in the world "im the plan, he has no idea how much power I can channel. If you can find him, I can kill him"

Ophelia noticed the look that Alaric gave Bonnie when she said this and Ophelia suddenly grinned widely as she realised why she found Alaric so suspicious

"That's not gonna be that easy. I mean, he is the biggest most baddest vampire around" Alaric suddenly says and Ophelia walks over to him and by the grin that she was giving him, he knew that Ophelia knew exactly who he was

"I don't know about that" Ophelia says "You know, Klaus always thought that he was the 'biggest and baddest' vampire around but if I do remember correctly, I beat him quite a few times"

"Alaric has a point I mean, what if he-" Damon suddenly runs towards bonnie but she sends him flying back with her powers. All of the people in the room except for Ophelia and Alaric share impressed looks

"well I was impressed" Stefan says with a mocking grin as he looked over at his brother

"it doesn't matter if he is an original" Bonnie says "I can take down anyone who comes at me. I can kill him Elena. I know I can"

"Look Love, I really don't think that you can" Ophelia says

"Is there something you aren't telling us, because I don't trust you" Bonnie says

"Oh my feelings are hurt" Ophelia says sarcastically "Look 'Bon-Bon' the originals are a lot more stronger than you are giving them credit for"

"So are we doing this or not?" Damon asks in annoyance

"We are doing this" Bonnie says

"Fine, but when one of you get killed, im voting for you bonnie, don't come at me when I say 'I told you so' or come running to me for my help" Ophelia says and rolls her eyes

"You talk a big game there newbie" Damon says

"I could take on all of you easier than a person steps on an ant" She then looks over at Alaric for a quick second "Maybe one of you might be a little difficult" She then walks out of the house and waits outside next to Alarics car for a few minutes until he finally comes out and makes his way over to the car

"Ophelia right?" Alaric asks as he looks at the girl

"Cut the shit Nik" Ophelia says and speed runs over to him and pushes him up against the car forcefully with her hand wrapped tightly around his throat the two glare at each other before giant grins come over their faces

"My how I have missed you Phelie" He says with a grin

"its been a while, hasn't it" Ophelia asks and takes her hand off his throat and takes a step back "where is Katerina?" She asks with a sigh

"Somewhere safe, somewhere hidden" Klaus says with a grin

"He is In Alarics apartment isn't she" Ophelia asks with a sigh and he pouts

"Do me a favour and let her go" Ophelia asks him but he shakes his head

"Sorry love, but no can do, I need her as levargage to get my doppelganger" He says and she rolls her eyes

"You have lost so much and so many over this Nik, must you really continue" She asks him with a sigh and this seems to anger him

"If you were in my position then you would do it to, luckily for you, you aren't In my position, you weren't a bastard and you don't share the same curse as me, its different for you" Klaus growls angrily in her face

"I cant take you seriously when you are in someone elses body, I guess you just aren't charming enough" She says with a grin "speaking of charming, where is Kol?"

"Oh they didn't tell you?" Klaus asks with a smirk and she looks confused as he said this

"tell me what?" Ophelia asks with furrowed eyebrows, and by the grin on Klaus face, she could tell that whatever it was they didn't tell her, it wasn't good for her

"the reason Elijah is mad at me" Klaus says with a shit eating grin

"because you pissed him off one to many times?" She says and rolls her eyes

"Because I threw our dear old family in the bottom of the sea, never to be seen again"

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