Klavier x reader

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You've been klaviers close friend for awhile now. He gets you free backstage tickets to all of his shows and sometimes just lets you chill in backstage while the show goes on.

You are in klaviers dressing room while klavier is doing a show, you love hearing the distant singing of klavier. His voice is like an angels and hearing it from afar makes you want to move closer.
When your away from klavier you feel cold. Like someone is stabbing you in the back and your on the bridge of death about to die, the minute you look at him your body feels warm once again. It's like a big game of hot n cold. Multiple times you have just wanted to jump on stage and hold him. But you know that you could never do something like that for you both were only friends. Why would he feel this way about you? There are so many beautiful fans of his that would be more that willing to be with him. He could have anyone he wanted so why would he choose you.

Tears flowing down your face you suddenly hear the door open. "Fraülein!" You scramble looking for something to hide your face with. Luckily it's only klavier so your not too embarassed. You grab a blanket from the couch and hide your face. "Fraülein? What's wrong is your face ok?" He says walking towards you. "Oh yeah! I uhm- this blanket just smells nice!" You say keeping the blanket on your face. He hesitates but sits next to you and pulls down the blanket. He looks at you for a moment "(y/n) what happened? Did someone hurt you?" "Yeah just-" you think about the real reason on why you were crying "(y/n) you can tell me!" You wrap his arms around his neck and cry into his shoulder and he slowly puts his hands on your back "fraülein..."

Thanks for reading!
Maybe part 2 coming soon?

If you have any requests please drop them in the request page because I can't think of what to write for the life of me.

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