Ema skye x fem reader

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You're an attorney at the Wright and co. Law offices.   you walk over it the crime scene but a police officer stops you "sorry, this crime scene is closed" "oh but I'm the at-" you reach at your jacket for your badge but you must have forgot to put it on before you left "crap-" "don't worry I know her you can let her in" Ema skye walks up from the crime scene, you sigh in relief as he lets you in with her.

"Thanks Ema I didn't wanna have to go all the way back home..." You walk with her to the crime scene "yeah it's really no problem sense i knew you were the defense! Which I don't know the procecuter for this case." She says and pulls out her phone "I'm pretty sure it's mr Gavin." She groans and puts her phone away " ugh I hate that glimmerous fop! He's always in my way!" You laugh nervously "he's not the worst but he can be annoying in court." She scoffs "he's annoying everywhere to me!"

You make it to the crime scene and talk about the case for awhile. Ema pulls out a bag of snackaroos and starts to eat them "(y/n), do you want some" you look at her "aww how nice" she scoffs "I only share with people I like" you giggle "well how sweet of you" you take one out of the bag "keep teasing me and you won't get anymore." You look at her "sure you like me too much to do that." She continues to eat and mumbles "yeah I do like you to much" you look at her "what was that?" She looks away "ah nothing just talking to myself!" You laugh and blush "sure Ema."

Thank you for reading hope you enjoyed it!

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