Arriving at the Palace

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As Zumi got out of the car in the main town of East Gorteau she looked around to see if she could sense anything. She felt the presence of a few chimera ants but knew she couldn't kill them or else the king wouldn't trust her. She kept walking as she reached the palace.

She looked up staring at it and looked around already sensing Pitous overwhelming En surrounding the entire property. As she walked it she felt looked up and saw Pitou charging at her. Zumi slightly panicked and dodged easily and pinned Pitou down making sure they couldn't move.

"How did you dodge my attack and pin me to the ground? Meow, did you come to kill the king. I hope you know I'll kill you." Pitou's En seemed to be growing every second.

"No, I actually came to join your cause. I admire what you guys are doing and I simply want in on it. I don't have any intentions of killing the king." Zumi kept her composure surprisingly well but kept Pitou down just to make sure that there was no way They could attack.

"Meow, how do I know I can trust you? I know you came to mess up your plans." Pitou's aura was incredibly strong but Zumi kept calm and kept trying still trying to win over Pitou.

"I may be a hunter but I have also killed thousands of people. And doesn't the king like to eat nen users, well if I am a hunter I can lure other hunters here," Zumi was desperately trying to think of anything to convince Pitou, "Is there anything specific I can do to earn your trust?"

Pitou started to think of ways to make Zumi a little more trustworthy but still, Pitou knew that they would never trust a human. But right as Pitou was about to catch Zumi off guard the King walked out and looked at them. Zumi shuddered a little as she looked at him but bowed.

"Why is a human on my palace grounds and why are they pinning my guard down," He looked at Pitou with a menacing look then looked at Zumi, "I'm still waiting for an answer."

"She wants to join us. She says that she admires our work sir. She also said that she would lure the rare people here for you to eat and that she would do anything to convince us to trust her, meow." Pitou said, still waiting for Zumi to let go so they could get up.

Meruem seemed annoyed, "pathetic." He mumbled under his breath as he used his tail intending to impale Zumi to rid the situation.

Zumi had been doing high-speed dodges since she was 7 so she easily moved out of the way to the edge of his tail lightly grazed her shirt. "Your Highness I do not have any intention of killing you. If there's any way I can prove that I would love to do it." She bowed once again as Pitou got up and stretched.

Meruem was surprised she was fast enough to dodge one of his attacks but was nowhere near being able to trust her. You might be powerful and fast enough to dodge my attacks but that gives me more reason to stay away from you. You might have earned an ounce of my respect but you haven't earned my trust at all. Perhaps if you fight one of the ants in my palace and survive you might be powerful enough to do something around here."

Zumi took a sigh of relief in her mind and got up, "does that mean a fight to the death or just whoever's pinned down first?"

"Hm, you have enough confidence to think you could even try and kill a chimera ant so I'll say if you can even get your hands on him I'll be impressed. If you kill him I'll be quite surprised but pinning him down and keeping him there would be tougher and earn my trust," He did already trust her quite a bit and already had a job in mind for her. He didn't know why he trusted her though, it was like his mind was forcing him to think that she was trustworthy and he didn't have a choice to think otherwise, "Follow me and I'll bring you to your opponent."

"Yes sir." She walked inside after him and looked around. She already didn't like the place but she was very glad she hadn't died yet. She was secretly observing everything around her and the King's movements along with Pitou who was watching Zumi very closely. As they walked she was a woman sitting in front of what looked like a board game of sorts with her eyes closed. Zumi was slightly confused but didn't think much of it. In a chair, a meter or two away from the woman was a chair with what looked to be a young man with blond hair, antennas, and wings. He was reading a book and was strangely attractive. She knew he was probably one of the guards but she didn't know anything about him. She only knew about Pitou thanks to Gon and Killua and she knew Meruem because of the title he gave himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2020 ⏰

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