Gathering Information

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 She walked into the room and looked around to see if she recognized anyone. As she looked around the room and saw two younger-looking boys and thought to herself, children!? With a mission like this... Netero is out of his mind. She kept looking and saw Morel and felt a little relieved that she saw someone she trusted.

He smiled at her and stood up "Zumi it's about time! Everyone, this is Kazumi, she's the one that's going to infiltrate the ants base from the inside. Zumi you know Knuckle, Shoot, and Knov. Palm is Knov's student and she's going on a similar mission like you but less risky. And this is Gon Freecss and Killua Zoldyck."

"Wait Freecss as in Ging Freecss?! And Zoldyck like Silva?!" She was a little surprised that two of the people she was working with were the children of some of her closest friends.

"Yeah! Do you know my dad? I became a hunter just to find him!" He was a smiley young boy who looked very optimistic and honest. The other looked closed off and dangerous.

"Yeah, we trained together for a while. I helped him with greed island for a while but I had to leave for work" she smiled and looked at the white-haired boy. "I worked with your dad and grandfather too. They were powerful and I loved fighting with them." She felt a lot happier now that she knew some people and was connecting with them.

"My old man? Yeah he's ok I guess..." he seemed like he didn't trust Zumi at all but she still kept smiling a little.

Knuckle was watching her closely and observing her movements. Her and knuckle have met a couple of other times and he's grown to like her a little too much. He didn't want to be distracted by wondering if she was ok but he definitely wasn't excited for her to go on the mission. He was deep in thought, slightly blushing when Shoot lightly nudged him and gave him a look of confusion and concern. "Sorry, I zoned out..." he whispers to reassure Shoot he was ok.

Zumi sat down in between knuckle and Morel as they started to tell her everything they have learned. She seemed a little overwhelmed realizing how dangerous the situation actually was, yet, something in her mind told her that she would be ok. She took some notes and asked a couple of questions until she knew enough to feel comfortable. She took a deep breath before asking her final question. "Do you think ill survive?" she asked the question in a shaky yet serious voice that made everyone a little on edge for some reason.

"Well I don't think Netero would put his top student on a mission like this if he didn't trust she would survive so I think you'll do very well," he said in a surprisingly comforting way that made her feel a lot better. "And if anything does go wrong we'll get you out of there I promise." he gave her a warm smile and looked at everyone. "Any more information?"

They all shook their heads slightly to say no and Zumi got up still very nervous. "Thank you all so much for helping me, I really hope I get to see you guys again." she smiles and walked out of the room. They could all tell that she was nervous and they didn't blame her. She walked back to Neteros' office and said goodbye one last time before getting in the car and heading to East Gorteau.

Sorry for not posting a lot school has me messed up. ill try to update some time soon even though I know no one is reading this and no one cares-

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