*The Missing Girl Down Town*

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I was coming home from school with my best friend Lana. At this point in time we are just two normal teen girls , she was coming to my place tonight for a sleepover plus we needed to catch up on some home work. 

When we got to my house we got started on the work strait away. We were working on our poster for a few minutes when Lana started laughing she said to "look at this" I went over to her side of the poster where she was doing some research on child slavery and gangs ( that was our project ) She has clicked on a link about a group of gangs buying and trading teen girls in our area. She thought it was fake because it was a link to a normal telegraph website that comes up with loads of rubbish but I was getting scared. 

When it was time "to go to sleep" as my mum said we stayed up watching movies and playing party games like "game of life" and twister. Lana began to fall asleep but I could not go to sleep something got be about that report I was scared about it I have never felt like this before but I was worried I was next. 

When we woke up the next morning I was startled to find that Lana was already up with my mum in the kitchen , we had the whole day with each other so we had planned it out jam packed with fund activities. Lana was going back to Sydney after the new year so we wanted to spend as much time with each other as possible I mean skype it not the real thing right ? We both planned to go down to the Diner in 15 minutes so we where just getting set for the big day ahead. 

After about half an hour we arrived at the diner it was emptier than usual then again we normal go after school and it was only around 9:20 in the morning. We waited to order when Lana had a smirk on her face , I diden't know why until I look at the news paper stand and saw a big bold headline about a missing girl. Lana went to pick it up and read out loud "There has been another reported case of a missing teen girl around the ages of 13 Grace Marhan was abducted last night by a supposed gang we do not know where she is right now but authority's are on the case". This was starting the freak me out I asked her if she thinks it was anything to do with the article we read last night she said in a sarcastic tone "oh yeah totes. 

Later on we were strolling down the rode when I told Lana that the tunnel looking alleyway looks just like the place in the article "OOOOOO SPOOOKKKKYYY" Lana said in one of those child presenter type of voices you hear on Nick Jr or something , Lana said we should go inside and said we had to do what she said because it was her last "non school day" with me. Lana get like that sometimes but since I was starting to ease out a little I was not that scared to go in so we scurried down the lane. 

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