Miu's Halloween Party

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I wanted to write this because it's currently Halloween for me!
Take note that practically every character besides one or two are at the party, so the characters featured list is based on who actually appears.
Characters Just Mentioned: Makoto, Byakuya, Kyoko, Aoi, Yasuhiro, Sakura, Mikan, Ibuki, Nagito, Kirumi, Kokichi
Characters with Dialogue and/or Text: Sayaka, Leon, Chihiro, Mondo, Taka, Celeste, Kazuichi, Sonia, Mahiru, Gundham, Chiaki, Shuichi, Maki, Kaede, Korekiyo, Miu, Kaito, Kiibo
Ships Featured: Ishimondo, Saimatsu, Celesgiri, Kaimaki (Sakuraoi, Kiiruma, and Hagakureon briefly mentioned)


Kazuichi fumbled in his Halloween costume. He was wearing one he had worn before in previous years, which was an inflatable t-rex costume. Gundham and Sonia entered the living room where he was and both promptly laughed. The two of them were dressed in extremely regal costumes. Sonia was dressed in a deep red dress with black lace, while Gundham wore an outfit that could only be found in paintings of old monarchs, in the same colors as Sonia's dress.
    The original plan was for the three of them to go as a royal trio, but Kazuichi had completely forgotten to get his costume. Either way, the three best friends had planned to go to the Halloween party that Miu was hosting.
    "I know you forgot to get a royal costume, but I can't say I expected an inflatable dinosaur." Sonia struggled to speak without snickering.
    "Hey, how can you be judging me when Gundham is dressed like King George III?"
    "You simply don't understand the power this costume holds." Gundham laughed his classic laugh.
    "Whatever. I'm going to text Miu that we're on our way." Kazuichi had been smart enough to keep his phone in his pocket, inside the costume.

"Alright, off we go!" Sonia clapped her hands together and the three of them went on their way to the party

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"Alright, off we go!" Sonia clapped her hands together and the three of them went on their way to the party.
    Once they arrived, the door to Miu's house was wide open. There were lights of all different colors flashing, and Kiibo was at a computer along with Chihiro in the corner attached to speakers playing Mindless Self Indulgence. Practically everybody everyone knew was there, all through mutual friends and such.
    Miu sprinted up to the group, dressed in a bunny costume, which was no surprise. It was also a bright pink. Her hair was curled to the extreme to add to it. "Heeeeeeey, I like the costumes!" She gave Sonia a high-five. "Not you though, you're just dressed like a 6th grader," she directed at Kaz.
    Sonia and Gundham went off on their own, to a more peaceful corner of the party. Kirumi, Kaede, and Korekiyo also happened to be in the corner. "I'm glad to see you two here!" Kaede pulled the both of them into a hug. She had gone to the party in a steampunk-style dress, and was matching with Kirumi, and seemingly in a similar theme to Korekiyo.
    As Gundham was about to pick up a conversation with Korekiyo, Mondo sprinted past the group, shortly followed by Taka. "MONDO, SLOW DOWN, WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING?"
    "I'M TRYING TO FIND LEON! YOU KNOW, MAKE SURE HE'S NOT OUT CRASHING HIS CAR OR ANYTHING!" He narrowly ran in between Makoto and Byakuya, almost knocking the both of them over. He reached outside to find Leon standing on the lawn while Hiro was laying down. He let out a wheeze and put his hands on his knees. "Oh. Nevermind then." Taka clearly hadn't seen him stop, as shortly after Leon had noticed Mondo standing there, Taka barrelled straight into him, knocking them both onto the ground.
    "What the hell are you doing?" Leon reached for his phone, which was sitting on a mini tripod. He had most likely been recording a TikTok before Mondo and his husband became a tangled mess on the ground.
    "I saw you leave the house and got scared you were about to crash your car or something again." Mondo had managed to escape Taka and was now sitting.
    "Oh my God, you're so ridiculous-" Leon's comment was promptly interrupted by a loud yell of "DAMMIT" from the doorway of the house. Everyone looked over to see where Kaito had dropped an entire cup of some ambiguous liquid onto the ground, spilling some onto himself.
    "What did you do this time, you big idiot?" Maki walked over to him and sighed. "You know what, we're going to do this." She grabbed him by the wrist and took him to the backyard, where the pool was and shoved him straight in.
    "Should I even ask why you did that?" He responded, rubbing the water out of his eyes.
    "I need you to stay in one place, so normally I would have just taken you out here, but because you decided to spill juice all over yourself, you went inside the pool instead of outside."
    Celeste chuckled from the other side of the pool, where she was sitting next to her wife Kyoko. Neither of them were big "party people," and needed a place where nobody would be too extreme. They had a small table placed between the two chairs and were playing chess. Just as Kyoko was about to move one of her pawns, Chiaki rushed up to them, holding her Nintendo Switch and lightly yawned before speaking.
    "I'm sorry to have to ask this, but have you seen Nagito around?" She seemed rightly anxious, who knew what Nagito could be doing right now.
    "We saw him run back inside just a few minutes ago." Celeste politely responded.
    Chiaki rushed back inside, where she found Nagito practically screaming the lyrics to the Monster High theme song with Kokichi, Miu, and Ibuki, while Mikan sat on the floor in utter fear. She sighed and sat next to her to possibly play a game with her.
    Ibuki continued to jump up and down while Miu was using a water bottle as a makeshift microphone. She caught sight of Chihiro picking the next song with Kiibo.
    "Didn't you play that earlier?" Chihiro quipped.
    "Oh wait, I did." Kiibo laughed.
    "What about that song?" He pointed at the computer screen.
    "That's going to blend in perfectly, thanks!" The two fist-bumped right as Mahiru took a photo of them, practically knocking Kiibo over in shock.
    "Ah, I'm sorry! I just want to remember this party, it's so much fun!" She pointed the camera to the other side of the room, back where Kaede was with Kirumi and Korekiyo.
    "I wonder what Shuichi is doing right now," Kaede thought out loud.
    "Hopefully not struggling too much. I know how much of a handful children can be." Makoto had seemingly appeared out of nowhere and joined the conversation.
    "You have got to share some of your stories sometime," Kiyo commented.
    "I'm just going to text Shuichi real quick, I'll be right back." The blonde girl made her way upstairs, where it was much quieter and caught a glimpse of Aoi and Sakura on their phones before pulling out hers to text her husband.

" The blonde girl made her way upstairs, where it was much quieter and caught a glimpse of Aoi and Sakura on their phones before pulling out hers to text her husband

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She walked back downstairs, where Kazuichi was a complete mess in his costume attempting to dance. As Miu walked by, he called out to her, "Hey Miu, do I still look dumb?"
    "What kind of idiot question is that? You look even more like a dumbass than you did before." They both laughed as the music continued to play over them. Suddenly, the music stopped. There was a light humming noise coming from the backyard, so everybody, including the people upstairs and out front, quickly rushed there to see what was going on.
    Sayaka and her band members were standing in the grass, with some instruments hooked up to their own speakers.
    "Hey everybody! Since it's Halloween, I wanted to surprise you all and have my band and I perform a song!" Sayaka excitedly announced into her microphone.
    Everybody in the crowd cheered loudly as the song started. It was such a happy night for everyone there, and definitely one they'd remember for a long time.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2020 ⏰

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